Tears welled in her eyes.

He backed up and passed the mic to Dr. Aphra. The scientist was surely giving a wonderful explanation, but Kylie couldn’t take her eyes off Derek. That was a pretty damn good apology, but she still couldn’t figure out what he’d been so mad about in the first place. Apologies were great but meant nothing if the root cause of his behaviour was still there.

Dr. Aphra finished her talk, something about habitat and soil erosion, and the team left the stage. Kylie made her way over to Derek—they needed to talk. As she approached, he looked like he was bracing himself. But before she could open her mouth, Bette McDonald materialized from the crowd.

“That was a dirty play, Officer Carson.” Her clipped tone made Kylie’s hackle rise, but then Bette’s features softened. “I must say I’m impressed. Your scientist had things to say I had not considered. If the petition goes through, I’ll relent to allow further discussion of options.”

“Thank you, Councilwoman.”

Kylie’s brain froze. Derek was shocked too if his dropped jaw was any indication.

Bette turned to her next. “I am very impressed with how you were able to pull all this off, Miss Martin.”

“Thank you, Councilwoman.”

“I hope we can count on your help with planning our Canada Day festivities this year.”

“I’d be honoured, Councilwoman.”

Bette gave them a stiff nod then swept past them aiming for Pete and Dr. Aphra.

Kylie waited for Derek to say something. His apology was nice, but he better explain himself.

“I’m so, so sorry for what I said to you last night,” he finally said.

She crossed her arms and jutted out her chin.

“I thought you had taken the job with Brad and didn’t tell me,” he continued.

“Instead of asking me, you yell at me and say mean things?” Anger rose; her breathing sped up, her muscles ready to fight.

His shoulders curled over his chest. “I was so wrong. I was scared and hurt, and I wasn’t thinking. Even if you were leaving, you didn’t deserve that.”

“No, I didn’t.” She wasn’t prepared to win this argument so easily.

“You’re staying, then?” His eyes pleaded.

“Not that it’s any of your business,” she said, “but yes. I have a life in Camden. Even if that doesn’t include you, there’s no reason for me to leave everything else behind.”

“You’re absolutely right,” he said. “I’m glad you’re staying. I’m such an idiot. You opened up to me and helped me, and at the first sign of trouble, instead of trusting you I betrayed your trust. I can’t take that back, but I hope you’ll let me fix things between us.”

Kylie let her breathing return to normal. She didn’t have it in herself to stay mad at him.

“What was with the speech?” she asked.

“It was pointed out to me that I am a total jackass for pushing you away,” he said. “I figured if everyone in town knew how badly I messed up, no one would ever let me mess up like that again. The entire town reminding me of how good I had it seemed like reasonable accountability, if I was ever going to get you back.”

“Get me back?” Her arms fell to her sides. Could she hope he still wanted her as much as she wanted him? “Are you ever going to fully treat me like I belong?”

“Kylie,” he took slow steps toward her, “I’ve thought about you a lot since high school. Maybe it’s pathetic, but I measured other women I met against this idealized version of you. When you came home, and you were even more amazing than I imagined, I was overwhelmed. Since my parents died, it’s been hard letting people in. Then with you, I felt like I got this once in a lifetime second chance only I totally blew it. But this, this is everything, okay?

“I love you, and I couldn’t stop if I wanted to. I yelled at you, because I was scared and instead of talking to you, I made an ass of myself. But I’m done with not telling you how I feel, and I’m just glad I didn’t have to try to find you in Toronto to tell you all this. I know we have something good here, unless you don’t want me anymore, which I wouldn’t blame you for at this point, but—”



“You’re rambling,” she said.