“What is it?” Kylie asked.

“It’s Cate. She’s standing outside wondering if we want to be alone.”

Kylie clapped a hand over her mouth and looked wide-eyed toward the dark window.

“I’ll just tell her to be on her way—”

“Derek, you willnot.” She jumped up and opened the door for Cate.

“Hey friend,” Cate said, sounding nonchalant as she removed her shoes. “Don’t mind me, I’m going straight upstairs. Absolutely exhausted. Straight to bed. I’ll probably be fast asleep in five minutes.”

She crossed into the kitchen and up the stairs. Kylie stood there, fussing with the hem of her shirt. “Should I go?”

“You definitely don’t have to.”

“Maybe I’ll stay for a few more minutes?”

“I’d like that.”

She returned to the couch, snuggling back into him.

They talked about his life after high school. She asked about college and O.P.P. training and his first assignment after joining the force. Anytime he’d ask her about college or after, she would redirect the conversation back to him. His eyelids grew heavy with contentment as she lazily dragged her fingers up and down his forearms.

Every once in a while, he’d place a kiss on her strawberry smelling hair. They stayed like that until Kylie’s questions came further apart and her voice quieter, and Derek realized she was falling asleep. He let her too, enjoying how her breath slowed and her body relaxed into him. He’d have to wake her soon to get her home, but for the moment he let himself imagine what it would be like if she simply stayed.