“Thanks for watching him.”

“It was my pleasure. I’m sad it’s time to go. Who’s going to be my helper?”

“I had a thought actually,” Derek said. “When do you finish work?”

“I’m staying to get Sandy through the late afternoon group. So, I’ll probably be done around five,” she said.

He leaned down to whisper into Charlie’s ear then they both looked up at Kylie with sparkling eyes, and she thought her heart might melt.

Charlie squared his shoulders and puffed out his chest “Will you come to our house for supper?”

“I’d love to.” She beamed at him, sneaking a grin to Derek as well. She took off Charlie’s apron and helped him off the stool.

“Thanks for the help, Charlie,” she said.

“I hope you’re ready to help some more, little man,” Derek said to him. “Because now we have to make Kylie dinner.”

“Let’s go!” Charlie yelled and started to run, tugging Derek’s hand. He gave her a quick wave before he got dragged out the door.

The next forty-five minutes were a mixture of Kylie wanting time to go by quicker and wanting time to go by more slowly. She was looking forward to seeing Derek again, but she wasn’t sure if she should be getting in too deep. If the job in Hampton didn’t happen, she’d likely have to leave again. She should keep away, but being around him made her a comfortable kind of happy she hadn’t had in a long time.

She fidgeted over a stack of cups and saucers, and Sandy put a hand on her arm.

“Kylie, I think I’ll be fine now.”

“Are you sure?”

“There are only three people in here.” Sandy raised an eyebrow. “I believe I can manage.”

“Of course.”

“Go on.” Sandy shooed her. “Go to dinner. You’ve got two eager gentlemen waiting for you.”


“Here wait,” Sandy said, snatching a paper bag from below the counter and putting four chocolate chip cookies in it. “Take these for dessert.”

Kylie untied her apron and thanked Sandy for the cookies.

Once outside, Kylie thought about how much she enjoyed working at Harrington’s. It was nice, calm work. The customers were almost always pleasant and getting to be around books all day was a bonus too.

She got to Derek’s front door at five to five and knocked. There was a bit of a scuffle beyond the door then it opened, revealing Charlie, who was now wearing a head-to-toe Spiderman costume.

“Well hello, Spiderman,” she said. “I’m so sorry, I was supposed to be visiting Charlie, but I must have the wrong house.” She pretended to be confused as if she was checking the address.

Spiderman lifted his mask enough for her to see one of his eyes and said in a whisper, “It’s me under here.”

“Oh, Charlie! Thank goodness.” She put a hand to her chest in mock surprise.

He stretched his mask back down.

“Follow me.” He took her hand and led her through the entryway and living room to the kitchen at the back of the house.

She choked on a giggle at the sight she found. Derek was standing at the stove stirring a pot.

He was wearing black long johns with a pair of blue boxer briefs over top. A bath towel was pinned around his neck over his white undershirt.

“Now I know I must be in the wrong house,” Kylie said.