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“I don’t think we have all the parts.” Adam opened the instruction sheet and looked from it to the pile of wood and plastic pieces laid out in Derek’s back yard.

“This was everything that was in the box,” he said. “I vote we get started and see what happens.”

Adam raised an eyebrow at him.

“I was hoping to have this at least resemble a swing set by the time Cate brings Charlie home from his swim lesson.” Derek shrugged.

That morning, he’d gone to the hardware store to pick up new hinges for the front door, and Harvey had the large boxes stacked out front filled with a wooden swing set with two swings, a slide, and a climber.

Derek imagined the joy on Charlie’s face and how much fun he would have with it. Derek bought the climber on the spot and texted Adam to come over after school to help him put it together. It was proving to be more of a challenge than Derek had bargained for.

“Okay.” Adam shook his hands out as if he were getting ready for a basketball game. “We’re two smart men. We can figure this out.”

They had the A frame up and the climber started when Kylie peeked over the fence.

“Hey!” she said. “I knocked on the door, but no one answered, and I heard hammers back here.”

Derek’s chest expanded at the sound of her voice. Adam clearly noticed the shift in him and snorted.

“Hey there Kylie!” he said. “Any chance you know how to put together a swing set?”

“That’s what you guys are doing back here.” She opened the gate and came into the yard. “Is this for Charlie?”

Derek revved his impact driver. “Yeah, a surprise. Think he’ll like it?”

“I think he’ll love it.” She beamed.

And to his surprise, she put down her purse, picked up the instructions, and started matching pieces together. Then she held a board to the frame while Derek put the screws in.

“What brings you here anyway?” he asked. “Not that we don’t appreciate the help.”

“I have a bit of time before I have to work at the café,” she said. “So, I thought I’d stop by.”

“You seem especially cheery this afternoon.”

“I have some good news.” She bit her lip.

“What’s the news?” His stomach dropped. Had Brad offered her the job already?

“Actually, I don’t think I want to jinx it.”

She wouldn’t be so happy with news she was leaving, would she? She’d at least be conflicted after…everything, right?

He raised his eyebrows in question at Kylie, but she just grinned and picked up the next board.

With the three of them working together, they finished the rest of the climber in thirty minutes. Derek grabbed glasses and a pitcher of iced tea from the kitchen while Adam and Kylie collapsed into chairs on the stone patio.

“This is such a great backyard.” She accepted a glass from Derek.

The backyard was lovely. The grass was already lush, and the large maple trees would shade the yard nicely once the leaves filled in. There were a few flower beds around the perimeter, and the flagstone patio was the perfect size for a table and chairs and a barbeque.

“Thanks,” he said. “It was pretty much like this when I bought it from Mrs. Reid, but Cate has been tending the flower beds.”

“It’s still spring, and there’s already so much blooming,” Kylie said. “Cate’s been doing a great job with them.”

“Cate always does a great job,” came Cate’s voice from the gate as she and Charlie entered. His eyes went wide as he took in the large wooden structure in the middle of the grass.