Chapter Twenty-One

Two days later, Kylie had the afternoon off, so she hopped into her car and drove to Audrey’s place. The day was mild and calm. When Kylie turned off the road and into the driveway of Haymaker Farm, a sense of familiar comfort surrounded her.

She’d always loved visiting Audrey’s farm. Old trees lined the driveway. The sun shone through the branches and washed over the red siding of the house.

On the other side of the driveway sat the main barn with matching red siding.

Coming off the front of the barn was a fenced-in paddock where Audrey was giving a horseback riding lesson to a young boy.

There were a few hay bales scattered around the paddock, which must’ve been obstacles for the boy to lead his horse around. Kylie didn’t recognize his mother who was leaning against the wooden fence of the paddock, scrolling through her phone.

When she approached, the woman gave her a hello then went back to her phone.

“Quinn, shoulders back! And don’t forget to look where you want to go,” Audrey called to her student as he slalomed his brown and white mount around the hay bales.

“Okay, buddy,” she said once he’d gone around the paddock twice. “I think that’s good for today. You can take Dakota in to untack.”

Quinn dismounted and led the horse over to the stable. Audrey beckoned for Kylie to follow her into the barn. “Come on. You can help me groom Sedona.”

Kylie went through the paddock gate and followed Audrey, grateful she had thought to put on her mom’s wellies before coming.

“How’d we make out from the sale?” Audrey asked while she led Kylie past Quinn and Dakota, back to Sedona’s straw-covered stall. The light brown mare shifted as they joined her inside.

“Great.” Kylie rested her elbows on top of the stall door. “Between the sale and people donating their time and equipment, we’ve got everything covered.”

Audrey beamed at her. “You did it. You should be proud.”

“Thanks. I am.” Kylie stood a little straighter.

“And how are things with Derek?” Audrey picked up an aluminum bucket of grooming tools and set it inside the stall door.

She dug through it and handed Kylie a curry comb.

Kylie took the comb and brushed the lovely horse in a circular motion, as she had many times when she was younger and helped Audrey out with chores so she could go do kid things faster.

The smooth hair on the warm body of the horse had a calming effect.

She didn’t try to hide the grin from her face. “Good. I think. I mean, really good, but I feel a bit bad about it.”

Her shoulders sagged.

“Really?” Audrey raised an eyebrow from the other side of the mare. “Because everyone’s talking about how cute you’d be together.”

“Oh great,” Kylie said. “Just what he needs right now is a town scandal.”

“Not a scandal,” Audrey said. “Everyone’s rooting for Derek to find someone.”

“I’m sure I’m not the someone they have in mind. Besides it doesn’t matter. Whatever may be happening, it can’t last because I’m leaving, right?”

“Huh.” Audrey was quiet for a moment. “It almost sounds like you are upset about that.”

Kylie dropped her hands from Sedona’s side. “Of course I’m upset about it, Aud.”

Although, there was noof courseabout it. Her emotions were mixed up, and she wasn’t sure what was want versus need anymore.

“I really like him. He’s such a great person, but I’m going to end up hurting us both when I leave.”
