“The windows are all dark.” His voice was husky, and he ran a hand through her hair.

“In that case, did you want to come in for a bit?”

He climbed out of the car and followed her inside. Captain trotted around the corner when she flicked the living room lights on, and Derek bent to give him a scratch behind the ear.

“Do you want to watch TV?” Kylie asked as she kicked her pink sneakers off.

“Sure.” He took his shoes off too.

“I’m gonna get some water, you want some?”

“I’m good, thanks.”

She went into the kitchen while he waited in the living room. The mantle was filled with pictures of Kylie and her older brother. Her graduation photo was particularly large, and Derek moved closer to examine it.

He’d been head over heels for that girl, but when he examined the picture now, the girl in the photo was only a shadow of the woman who snuck up behind him and slipped her arms around his waist.

He turned around to face her, wrapping his arms around her.

“This is unbelievable to me,” she whispered.


“I never in a million years would’ve thought I’d be with you like this.”

“Why not?”

“You were so popular in high school. On the football team. In the school play. Invited to all the parties.”

“You were popular.”

“What? No I wasn’t.” She rolled her eyes.

“Kylie, you were friends with everyone.” He pointed out.

“Well yeah. But I wasn’t popular.” She shrugged.

“That is literally the definition of popular.”

She laughed. “Okay, I see what you’re saying. I just mean, well, I never really felt like I fit in with anyone.”

“I don’t know if anyone feels like they fit in when they’re a teenager.”

She released her embrace and crossed over to sit on the couch where he joined her. “I suppose.”

“Is that why you never visited after you left for college?” He wanted to understand what had kept her away for so long.

“That’s part of it I guess.” She lazily ran her fingers over his hand and goosebumps erupted up his arm. “I didn’t really think anyone here missed me, and there was always so much going on in the city. If your… If your parents hadn’t died, and you didn’t have to take Cate in, would you have come back? By choice?”

He took a long breath. “I always hoped to come back to Camden, yes. I’ll never be okay with how it came together, but I’m glad it did. Maybe it’s corny, but I do love this town.”

“It’s not corny,” she said. “It’s sweet.”

She rubbed her thumb along his five o’clock shadow. The touch was gentle, but it sent sparks flying over every inch of his skin. He bent his head toward her and kissed those perfect lips again. She melted against him as their kisses grew long and luxurious.

They continued that way until Derek’s eyelids grew heavy. “It’s late. I think I should be getting home.”

Kylie leaned back and nodded. Though there was disappointment in her eyes. She trailed him to the door and distracted him for another minute with a goodbye kiss. He stepped into the night and whistled all the way home.