“Maybe you never heard, but our parents died in a car crash six years ago.”

“Oh my god. I had no idea. I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks. Cate was in college in Hampton at the time. I was just starting out as an officer and was stationed to traffic duty in Orillia. I couldn’t be there for her the way she needed. Anyway, she met Chris, who turned out to be a terrible guy. She got pregnant, and he bolted before Charlie was born and left her alone.”

“Does Charlie know him?” Kylie asked.

“No. Chris is in BC right now, but he’s never made contact. And Charlie’s never asked. I’m sure questions will come up someday. Cate refuses to sue Chris for parental support, but I keep tabs on him in case the situation changes.”

“Using your law enforcement privileges, I assume?” Kylie cocked an eyebrow.

There it was again, that tug in his heart that sent goosebumps down to his toes. This wasn’t good. He couldn’t get feelings for her again. He had to press them down. “After he left, I applied to transfer back here. I used my savings and inheritance and bought the house, and Cate moved in with me.”

“You take care of her and Charlie. Like how you take care of the town. I get why you’d be so protective of them.” Kylie’s smile faded a bit, and Derek was sad to see it go.

He took a deep breath. “So that’s my story. Are you ever going to tell me why you really moved back home?”

She chewed her lip. It must’ve still been her nervous-tell even after all those years. “I’m not sure I want you thinking even less of me.”

A ball of lead dropped in his stomach. He really had been an ass to her. “Kylie, I don’t think less of you. I mean it. I know I gave you a hard time, but you’re very smart and organized and still just as passionate about helping people. Please, I want to know what you’ve been up to since high school.”

She nodded. “Okay. Well, I had that great job I really loved. But I was out every night partying because that’s what my friends did. One day I made a really big mistake because of that, and I lost my job.”

“What kind of mistake?” He prodded.

She gave him a pained look. “I fell asleep during a crucial meeting and cost the hospital a huge donation it really needed. Now it will take longer for kids to get the care they need because of me.”

“Wow. That’s a big mistake,” he said after a moment.

“Yes. So you see, you’re not wrong about me being a terrible person.”

“You made a mistake. That doesn’t make you a terrible person.”

“Yes well, when I told you Brad needs me to prove I can handle a big project, really I meant he needs me to prove to him I’m not a flaky party girl anymore.”

He snorted.

“This is funny to you?”

“I’m sorry. No.” He straightened his face. “It’s not funny. I would never have guessed in a million years quiet and studious Kylie Martin grew up to join the high fashion Toronto party scene.”

She rolled her eyes but smiled, and he was relieved she wasn’t offended. “You’re not wrong.”

They had reached her parents’ house, and she turned to face him from the front stoop. “Good night. Thanks for dinner.” Waving awkwardly, she went inside.

Frozen, he stood there with the most unreasonable urge to call her back and put his arms around her. Instead, he turned back to his house, an unfamiliar lightness in his stride.