Chapter Eleven

Kylie’s second visit to Meadowbrook Manor was as enjoyable as her first. In fact, she’d gone into work at the bookstore early that day so she could make her deliveries more leisurely. She found Edna and her friends playing poker in a corner of the games room. Edna even had on a proper green dealer’s visor.

“Is this a high stakes game, ladies?” Kylie asked, approaching the table.

“You betcha, honey,” one of Edna’s friend, Grace, said. “We’re playing for extra desserts at dinner tonight.”

“Couldn’t you just ask for more dessert?”

“We could,” Edna said. “But taking dessert from your friends is more fun. Are you here to deliver my next boyfriend?”

“If by boyfriend you mean racy romance novel…” Kylie removed the book from her tote back to check the cover, “…cowboy? Rancher? Then yes.”

Edna clapped and took the book from her, laying it on the table for all the world to see.

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Edna said. “You want to join us for a hand?”

“I’d love to ladies, but I’m too fond of my desserts, and you all look like killer poker players.”

“We do have lots of time to practice,” another of Edna’s friends said.

“Maybe next time?” Edna asked.

“Next time, I will make sure I’ve got extra time to stay.” Kylie smiled. “Do you know where Forrest is? He’s my last delivery today.”

The women around the table, except for Edna, giggled.

“I don’t know. Edna, do you?” Grace giggled again while Edna gave them a terse glare.

“I’m missing something,” Kylie said.

The women glanced at each other, their eyebrows raised.

“Oh, our Edna tends to keep tabs on where darling Forrest is,” her friend said.

“Hush you, Shirley. I do no such thing. You old biddies just like to create drama to entertain yourselves.” Edna wagged her finger at her friends.

“Who are you calling old biddie?” Shirley said, placing her hands on her hips before all the women burst into laughter.

When they’d settled, Edna said, “He’s upstairs in the lounge watching game shows.”

“Thanks,” Kylie said. “Enjoy taking each other’s dessert!”

The women bid her goodbye and carried on. Kylie did indeed find Forrest sitting in one of the armchairs watching game shows.

“Hey, Forrest. Where’s your friend?” She sat in the armchair beside him.

“Well, hey there Miss Kylie!” He patted her arm. “He’s at a physiotherapy appointment. He’s not much fun to watch game shows with anyway. Gets too competitive.”

She handed him his new book, a Cold War spy thriller from the looks of it.

“Did you already give Edna her weekly hit of the romance drug?” he asked, grinning.

“Uh…yeah, I did,” she said. By the way he blushed, she was starting to suspect a bit of a thing between Forrest and Edna.

“I heard a story about you this week,” he said.

What could he have possibly heard?