He also couldn’t ignore the fact that he’d made sure to shave that morning and put a little extra cologne on before he left the house.Show her what she missed. Which was ridiculous. She’d turned him down once. Why was he still hung up on her rejection?

Audrey shrieked, and he turned to see what was so funny and caught a glimpse of Kylie telling a joke Audrey and Steph apparently found hilarious.

They were talking like old friends again. Jillene even moved her chair over to join them. They just accepted her, and the thought dropped a weight into Derek’s stomach.

He didn’t know what he had expected—that all of his friends would shun her too? That they would all think she was ridiculous in her big city clothes? That she’d hide in a corner all night? Why did she get to waltz in there and pick up her life where she left off? Withhisfriends?

Her gaze turned to him, and he realized he’d been staring at her. No, not just staring, glaring. He cleared his throat and turned back to Adam who was telling them about something else Tricia had said.

~ * ~

“Wait, you’re telling me that not only did you bypass the line, but the doorman vouched for you to join the VIP section?” Jillene went wide-eyed.

“Yup. It’s amazing what high heels and the right shade of lipstick can get you.” Kylie laughed.

“I couldn’t even get into a VIP section for my bachelorette,” Jillene said. “And we only went to Hampton!”

“It’s true!” Audrey said. “And there were plenty of high heels and bright lipstick to go around.”

“Well, it was really all the girls I went out with,” Kylie admitted. “They worked the room acting like they owned the place, so people just started believing they did.”

“It sounds glamorous.” Steph sighed.

“Not really.” Kylie shrugged. “Honestly, most of the thrill of the night was the getting ready then getting into the club. Once you’re in, every club and every night is basically the same.”

“Remember that time in senior year when we tried to use fake IDs?” Steph giggled.

Jillene clapped a hand on Steph’s arm. “That’s right! Oh my god I forgot all about that. Kylie, Aud, were you two there that night?”

“I think May was too,” Audrey said.

“Wait,” Kylie said, “are you talking about the night we got a block away from the club, saw our geography teacher on a pub patio, then chickened out and went to McDonalds instead?”

Audrey roared with laughter. “Poor Mr. Howitz never looked at us the same after seeing us in clubbing outfits.”

“I don’t think he looked at us at all after that. We totally weirded him out!” Kylie could barely speak through the fit of giggles.

“At least you don’t have that problem in Toronto, eh?” Jillene asked.

“Yeah, it’s a lot harder to run into people you know at the bigger clubs,” she said.

It was so nice to be reminiscing like that. It wasn’t nearly as awkward as she worried it would be.

“So, tell us, Kylie. Are you a Carrie or a Samantha?” Derek’s voice cut over the music.

She looked up to see him sneering over his shoulder at her.

“I’m sorry?” A challenge edged her voice.

He turned in his seat to face her, mockery rippling off him. “I mean, do you think you fell off the set ofSex and the Cityor something?”

Even though the music was still playing through Nick’s speakers, the garage seemed to go silent. Everyone was shifting their gaze between her and Derek.

She should have played it cool, taken the high road, but embarrassment mixed with anger.

Why was he coming at her like that? Even after she’d offered to help him. No good turn goes unpunished.

“Oh, definitely a Samantha.” She glared back at him. It wasn’t even close to true, but she couldn’t understand why he was being so rude. Maybe he’d had a few too many drinks.