“Ouch.” Audrey paused mid-step. “We were best friends. How can you say you didn’t fit in?”

Kylie stopped to look at her friend and slumped. “It was foolish I know. I had this idea that if I went where no one knew me that I could become this cooler and more exciting person.”

“Did it work?” Audrey raised her eyebrow and continued down the sidewalk.

Kylie followed. “Hell, no. Chalk it up to being a self-absorbed teenager. I’m just so sorry I hurt you for it.”

Audrey’s gaze went up and down Kylie. “All right, fine.”

“Can you forgive me?”

“I already forgave you because I am a good friend.” She dramatically stuck her nose in the air. “But you may want to work on your story before we get to the party because everyone else is going to be wondering the same thing.”

Kylie was dreading this. Some of these people had been her friends, others were classmates, but she found that even after all these years she did in fact want to see them again. No doubt it was going to be awkward though. But then, without warning, they were in front of Nick’s house.

“Hey, Audrey?” she said, stopping on the sidewalk.

“No way.” Audrey grabbed her arm. “You’re not backing out now. You may as well get it over with.”

Kylie took a deep breath then sighed. “Why are you being such a good friend to me after I left and haven’t spoken to you in years?”

“Because I’m awesome.” Audrey lifted her chin. “And because we all make mistakes. I know you’re not a bad person.”

“Thanks. What mistakes have you made?”

“Oh. Well. After I moved back home, I dated Jared Proctor for a whole six months.”

“Wow,” Kylie said. “Okay then. If you can own up to that, I can do this.”

~ * ~

Derek only lived a street over from Nick and Jillene’s house, but he was putting off leaving to go see his friends. He’d read Charlie an extra two stories at bedtime, then washed all the dishes and swept the kitchen floor.

Derek was in the middle of starting a load of laundry when Cate marched downstairs.

“You’re pathetic, big brother, you know that right?” she said with her hands on her hips. “What exactly are you afraid of?”

“Kylie’s going to be there and honestly, her attitude does not make for a fun time.”

“She seemed perfectly nice to me. What’s your problem?”

“She’s such a snob now.” Derek said.

“She didn’t seem like a snob to me,” Cate said. “At all, actually. And she’s offered to help you with the town council thing. I think you’re worried everyone there will like her then you’ll feel like a total ass for picking fights.”

“I don’t pick fights.”That I’m admitting to you.“She rubs me the wrong way.”

She placed a hand on his shoulder and searched his eyes. “And you wish she’d rub you the right way?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Uh huh.”

He stood up. “Fine.” He sighed and put on his jacket. “I’ll be home later.”

“Don’t come home too soon,” she said. “I’ll be binge watchingGilmore Girls, and I don’t need your snark about it.”

“Say hi to Luke Danes for me.”