“This’ll take a minute,” he said. “You can sit down if you’d like.”

It wouldn’t really take a minute since he already had her file up on his computer, but he didn’t want her to know that, so he stared at his screen clicking his mouse a few random times while she took one of the chairs opposite him.

“How have you been?” she asked, filling the silence.

“I’ve been well, thank you.” He tried to sound official. “And yourself?”

She lifted her chin. “I’m fine. I just got a job.”

“Oh really?” he said, eyes fixed on his computer screen as he tried to sound politely interested.

“Yeah, Sandy offered me work at Harrington’s.”

He glossed over the words she said until it hit him.

“Wait, what?” He finally looked away from his computer screen to see her. “You got a job in Camden?”

“Yup.” Tight lips stretched across her face.

“You’re moving back?” He couldn’t help himself from asking. Even though he didn’t care what she was doing.

“For a little while,” she said quickly. “I’ll be heading back to the city at some point.”

“Of course. Your total is one hundred twenty dollars.”

“I thought it was two hundred?”

“Well, I may have been a bit harsh.”

She smiled. It was small, but genuine, and Derek’s chest swelled a bit.

Shut up, chest.

“Thanks, I guess. And I’ll take my foot off the gas in the future.” Handing him the money, she got up to leave.

She stopped before she reached the door. “Derek?”


“Um…thanks,” she said then left the station.