The old bell over the door gives a merry little tinkle as he enters.

I turn to greet him. “I was beginning to think you’d—oh—”

This is not my brother, but the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen.

His hair is brown and mussed, his eyes gray, like mine, but his are sharp as steel.

His presence seems to fill my tiny shop entirely. And his stone-tinted eyes focus on me. “Afternoon,” he says. I like the husky voice.

The force of his stare hits me like a freight train. I have to grip the counter behind me to keep steady. My throat goes dry, and a delightful shiver rolls down my spine.

This stranger has done something strange to me because my mind is now doing a dirty dance down bedroom avenue.

What the hell? Cool it, girl!

I force some professionalism into my expression. “Hi! Welcome to the launch of Bouquets.” Ugh, my voice sounds way too high pitched. I clear my throat, subtly. “I’m Dani, how can I help you today?”

“I’ll have a bouquet of your best, please,” he says with a nip of his lip. “Nice setup, by the way.”

“Thanks.” I’m wishing my heart would stop the crazy beating already.

His gaze slowly wanders over me, taking in the length of my legs and the swell of my hips and pausing way too long on my boobs. I catch my breath. I know my Bouquets logo is splashed across a prominent part of my anatomy, but even so...there’s some serious eye-fuckery going down. I grip the counter harder. I’ve never been looked at like this before—like I’m being devoured.

Nerves flutter everywhere, and my hands feel clammy. “Err... what type of bouquet? Brights, pastels, any particular preferences?” Why is my voice still so weird and squeaky?

“I know nothing about flowers. Choose the onesyou’dlike.”

“Okay—and what size?”

“When I give, I give large.” A smirk appears on his handsome face.

“Right.” The dirty smile now gracing his lips makes my stomach clench tight and a warmth swell in my lower belly. “Um, how big exactly,” I probe with a coquettish smile. “There’s large and extra-large. Twenty stems is my usual for large, but I can do twenty-five if you like?”

“Perfect.” He takes another step towards me. “Actually, make it two bouquets.”

“Two extra-large?”

“Mm.” He sizes up my boobs again. They certainly aren’t large, but he seems to enjoy looking there.

A wave of excitement flares inside, and a rush of color warms my cheeks.