Page 38 of Say It With Flowers


“Doing one final check before we proceed with option beta. Still no luck uprooting the rose bush?” Ross sighs, his voice sounding distant over the phone.

I’ve parked a block down the street from Bouquets, and I pace back-and-forth on the sidewalk. From where I march, I can see the bold pink of Bouquets’ storefront, and I’m sure I can smell the scent of flowers on the breeze.

“She’s not gonna go for anything else.” I’ve never dealt with anyone as stubborn as Dani Williams. She is one in a million, that’s for sure.

Truth is, I’m not persuading her to sell anymore. I don’t want to upset her. I’ll do my workaround to give her what she wants. Bouquets is staying put. At least most of it will.

“Why won’t she sell exactly?” Ross probes. “You’ve not laid it out.”

”God knows! All she keeps saying is it’s her dream.” I stop pacing and turn to face the shop down the road, shaking my head slowly. From where I stand, I can see her moving around behind the window blind. As always, she’s busy, but doing what, I have no idea. I don’t think orders are too frequent.

“Hmm.” Ross puffs out a loud breath. “Well, she obviously isn’t a woman who’ll give up on her dream easily. I do understand where she’s coming from. Digging her heels in, I mean. The other shop owners were either scratching a living or getting old and tired. They didn’t have the youth and passion she does.”

“You can say that again,” I sigh, but I don’t speak with irritation, only with fondness. An intimate feeling that has been creeping up on me fast where Dani is concerned.

Passion is something Dani has in spades. I’ve seen it as she works, blazing in her eyes when she’s mad, and best of all when I make love to her. The woman is a deep well of passion. I’m blown away by her.

As annoying as it’s been to negotiate with someone so passionately opposed, it’s also been oddly inspiring to see her stand up for herself, and fight for a dream that isn’t likely to make her any money.

More the opposite.

If she doesn’t sell up, her business will probably grind to a halt pretty soon. And she likely won’t get a positive return on her investment when she tries to sell that shop a few months down the road. It’s all negative equity from here on.

From a business perspective, why would she do that? Why lose money deliberately?

I can’t get my head around that.

Butemotionally, I’m starting to gether.

“Option beta it is then,” Ross says. “I’ve scheduled the meeting with the architects today... about these crazy alterations you’ve commissioned... assuming we ever get to the planning stage.Ever.Does four p.m. at the office suit you?” Ross asks.

“Sure. Thanks, Ross. You’re a star.”

“In the meantime, keep chipping away at her resolve. Don’t cave too fast, and don’t reveal your hand. Keep it vague, right? It’s never too late ‘til the fat lady sings,” Ross says.

“Excuse me? I’m the expert negotiator. How many business deals have you brokered?”

“Just trying to help. You’re being distracted by a certain pair of—”

“Hey, hang on, my dear kid brother. I can be as distracted as I fucking well like. It’s my project and my cash, remember?”

“Cool it, bro.” Ross belly laughs. “I get ya. I understand.”

I’m fucking annoyed that my brother has seen right through me. But what did I expect? He is my twin. If anyone knows me inside out, it’s Ross. “Look, I’ll see you later, okay?” I tap end call and make my way to Bouquets.

Ross may like to take the piss, but he doesn’t understand the complexity of the deal between Dani and me. It’s now ninety percent personal and ten percent business. I really don’t want to hurt her. Or ruin her dreams. I already feel a total bastard about it.

Even though I have a resolution of sorts, I’m dreading having another verbal wrangle with her over the small details. But conversely, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Dani. In fact, I’m champing at the bit to see her.

It’s not even just about the fact that she’s gorgeous. There’s something addicting about her fiery presence. It’s certainly not boring. I’ve never had back-and-forth banter with any woman the way I do with her. She’s proud and speaks her mind fiercely. I had no idea what I was getting into when I walked into Bouquets that first day, but I’m glad I did, and it was Dani I met, no matter which way this goes.

The sun is high overhead and warm on my shoulders as I approach. Even though it’s a beautiful, balmy day, I’m in a strange mood. A contemplative mood.

When I walk into the open door of the shop, Dani doesn’t turn around.

She’s at her counter, her back to me, arranging flowers in a vase. She steps back, making sure that they’re perfect, before turning to acknowledge me. As usual, her arrangement is spectacular.