I brace my arms and lean across the counter a little more, so I can get closer a moment or so longer. I have this dire need to taste her essence, to suck it up and breathe it deep inside. I stare at her skin, all creamy sweet perfection. Not a scrap of makeup to be seen. She’stoofucking pretty—sweeter than honey on toast. And my sugar craving is getting the better of me.

It’s tempting to take a great big bite.

She stands still as a statue, caught within my gaze. I can almost hear the rapid beat of her heart.

My own stutters in my chest, and I’m a little taken back.

Man, get a grip!

It’s probably the strong scent—being surrounded by all these darn flowers — it’s giving me palpitations.

I need to keep my head in the game here.

I never let pussy distract me when there’s business to be done.

I straighten up, but as I pull back from her, every inch is a battle. Christ, my cock has a mind of its own, begging to stay put. My mind wanders again, and I’m balls deep inside her, pumping mercilessly, a drift of rose petals squished between us.

A vivid imagination can be a curse at times.

I take a card from her counter, which has her business information on it, and slide it inside my chest pocket. “I’ll need that for future orders.”

Not that she’ll be fulfilling orders for much longer. Not in this store. But she’s pretty good at her craft, and there’ll be nothing stopping her from starting up elsewhere. She’ll have plenty of cash for that.

“Sure,” she answers breathlessly. “Call me anytime, Mr. Mountjoy.”

“It’s Neal, okay?” Although I do like the way she says ‘Mountjoy’in that breathy tone.

“Neal.” She echoes with a flush to her cheeks.

“Right, then... best be going. Cheers for the flowers.” I pick up the weighty bouquet which I’m going to give to my sister Sara. She’s got a bad dose of flu and needs cheering up.

“You have a good day now.” Her soft voice echoes in the air like a wistful sigh.

“You, too.” As I lick my lips, her eyes latch onto the gesture, and she mirrors the action.

Enough of this torture.



As I exit her shop, I can feel her gaze scorching my back. Once outside, I find her standing at the window, still watching me. I drop inside my Mercedes and raise my hand in parting as I drive away.

Edible and fuckable. Any order.

I release a loud breath of sexual frustration.

She seems to have a thing for me. That’s something I might use to my advantage if I need to.

But I’m pretty sure Dani Williams will be putty in my hands.

I’m doing her a favor. This shop isn’t a viable concern. None of the shops on the block are. Their time is long past. Dani has to face up to that and understand she has no choice but sell and move on.

Thatalmostsaddens me. But I bring myself up short before I get sentimental.

Now’s the time to purge sweet, sexy Dani, and her shop, from my mind.

I have far more pressing things to occupy myself with.