Page 43 of Say It With Flowers


I’ve finally spilled the beans about everything that’s happened between me and Neal.

Before now, I’ve fended off the odd probing question from Shaye. I haven’t had to actually hide from her, as she’s been really busy with work and her family stuff. But still, it’s been difficult keeping it to myself. I wanted to tell her, ask for advice, and I know she sensed I was hidingsomething.But I had to get my head around it all first, and that took a little time.

As for Parker, well, he’s been oblivious. When he asked about my date, I said the guy was a total dick and he mentioned it no more.

But now my dirty secret is out in the open.

I stand before them with a pink face—because I am a little embarrassed by my admission.

Still—had to be done.

“Whoa,” Shaye murmurs. I see a glint of something in her eye. Is it concern that I’ve lost my v card to a multi millionaire? That he’s bought my compliance somehow? I’ve wondered that a few times myself.

They both stare at me with open mouths.

“You actuallysleptwith him?” Parker gasps.

“We’re sort of dating, I think.”

“Why him of all people?” he shoots back.

Shaye snorts a laugh and rolls her eyes.

“Why d’you think, dude? He’s hot stuff and loaded.”

“It’s not just that, Shaye, I really wanted to. I’ve never felt an attraction like it. I couldn’t fight it.”

“Well, he’s a fucking bastard, taking advantage of you,” Parker growls.

“It might have started out that way, but we’ve kinda got past that. Look, this mall project isn’t personal. I understand to him it’s just another business decision. He feels bad about it.”

“Sure he does,” Parker grunts.

“So what is it you want to do now?” Shaye says, still staring at me like I have two heads.

“I don’t know. Things have changed. He says he has new plans now. I’m outside the scope.” I pace from the front door to the cabinet filled with Gran’s vases, then back to the door. “He said—” I pause, staring down the street, then turning back to them, trying to remember exactly what Neal had said.

Parker sits on a stool, leaning his arm on the counter. “Outside scope? What the fuck does that mean?” He glances at Shaye, who’s sitting on the floral couch.

Shaye holds up her palm toward Parker and shakes her head. “Let her talk, hun.”

I appreciate Shaye’s patience and the way she understands how my mind works in circumstances like this. I like to pick things apart, a piece at a time.

Parker puffs out a breath but does as he’s told.

I glance between the two of them, wondering if this situation might be the catalyst to bring them together. I’d love that to happen.

Shaye frowns at me, seeming to read my mind. It’s been a favorite topic of mine for years and a hard-no for Shaye. “Just purge everything. We’ll sort through it together.”

I nod. “Okay. He said everyone—absolutely everyone on the block has sold. And most have now moved out. We can see that’s true.”

Parker shrugs. “We knew that would happen.”

Shaye nods. “So, do you need help to decide how much money to hold out for? Is that it?”

I walk to the door and look outside. “That’s the strange thing. He’s not knocking this shop down.” I turn and look at them both. “And he also said I don’t need to close either.” I shrug. “How would that possibly work?”