Page 31 of Say It With Flowers

Was our night together a quick conquest for him? Or a teaser to leave me wanting more? Well, it’s working a treat. Maybe now that I’ve given him all he wanted on the first date—well done for holding out, girl—it could be game over.


I take a sideways look at my florist counter, where I’d been writhing in orgasmic ecstasy a few days ago. It’s a potent reminder of him now. One I can’t get out of my head.

A warm breeze blows in the rear door, and I shut my eyes, remembering his hot breath on my face, the dirty words and his fingers and cock inside me.

I groan, low in my throat.

Every sensual experience I have had since has echoes of Neal entwined.

There are footsteps to my side, the noise breaking through my daydreaming. I open my eyes as Parker sets down an empty box on the counter and then moves towards me, hands tucked in his pockets, head cocked to one side.

I shake off my distracted, sexy haze and face him, mustering up my best smile for my lovely big brother.

I’m thankful for his company. Plus, he helped me sort through the sad state of flowers in the chiller room that were past their best.

They were a tough part of all of this. I couldn’t help feeling bad every time I looked at the withered blooms, knowing they’ll never be used to beautify a home or never be given to a loved one to treasure.

A terrible shame.

One I shouldn’t have to deal with.

“Hey, you,” I mumble.

“Hey, you, too. Are we done with stuff now? ‘Cos I’ve gotta get off soon.”

“Sure. You run along. I’ll be fine finishing up. I’m gonna make another display piece.”

He stares at the floor, pursing his lips. “You don’t have to be brave for me, Dani,” he says softly. “I hope you don’t mind, but I took a peek at your books earlier.” He cocks his head to my bookkeeping corner, where my files sit in a pile. “I know you’re running at a loss already—I’m so sorry.”

The smile I’ve tried so hard to keep on my face fades, and I give a weak nod. “It doesn’t look too good, huh?”

“Not at the moment,granted, but the website might take off,” Parker offers with a strained smile.

“You’re sure of that, are you? You said I need to pay for ads first,” I whisper, looking up at my big brother. “I don’t want to give up just after I’ve started, but it’s getting so I don’t have any choice. I feel so sick about it all, Parker. I’m screwed.”

Tears sting my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I swallow hard, trying to stay strong, and Parker wraps his arms around me. I cling to him, and even though the hug is comforting, I feel nowhere near as comforted as I did when Neal was the one with his strong arms around me.

The doorbell tinkles, and I cast a glance.

Neal stands in the doorway.

“Sorry—am I interrupting?”

He remains still and quiet, gazing upon my brother and me warily as we break apart.

“What areyoudoing here?” Parker asks stiffly, clearly less than pleased to see the reason for my distress right in front of us. “Come to spy and gloat, have you?”

I snuffle and pat Parker’s arm. “It’s fine, Parker, we’ve spoken before,” I say quietly, not wanting to reveal anything to my brother.

“You never mentioned it?”

“Oh, it was a couple of days back” I don’t like keeping stuff from Parker, but I’m not sure how to explain my relationship with Neal right now. “Mr Mountjoy and I have a few things to iron out, don’t we?”

“We do,” he says with a charming smile.

Parker peers down at me, jaw clenched, with a heavy frown, “You sure about this?” I nod and assure him I’ll be alright, with a soft pat on his arm. He eventually sighs and nods his acceptance.