Page 30 of Say It With Flowers


Ihave a ridiculous, wide smile on my face.

My first time was something I’ll remember forever.

I loved the ‘after’ too, the way he’d held me in his arms, my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat until I fell fast asleep.

One of the nicest things of all was being skin to skin, sticky and hot, and as close as two people could get.

He warned me he had to leave early the next day for a meeting. Without waking me at the crack of dawn, he’d made a hot cup of tea and left it on my nightstand, then slipped away.

Okay,so it wasn’t hot when I rolled over and opened my eyes, spotting it, but it was the thought that counts.

He’s texted me good morning and called me, too, so he hasn’t exactly cut me dead after the deed, but I need more than just a few texts and some awkward words in my ear. I need to see him. To touch him. I need to know he’s genuine.

He’s lit a fire in the very center of me. I crave him. As much as I loathe the way he has made me uncertain about the future of Bouquets, I’ve never in my life felt so good or so right as I did in his arms.

I can’t resent him anymore, not after that. He kept giving and giving until I couldn’t take any more pleasuring.

And we talked. Like,reallytalked, in between our lovemaking.

I’m getting to now the man. And I like what I see.

My mindset changed completely when he apologized for not being forthright from the beginning. As we lay there in the afterglow of passion, completely exhausted, he laid it on the line.

A full on apology.

I wasn’t expecting that. Especially then.

But I guess it was playing on his mind.

* * *

Later that same morning, I stand by the window of my storefront. One of my hands lifts subconsciously, my fingertips brushing the curve of my lower lip, imagining it was still swollen from Neal’s kiss.

The memory of him nipping and sucking my lips between his teeth, pulling a response every time, makes my stomach quiver. I want more. I want it so badly, I can taste it.

No one has ever kissed me like that. No one has ever got as close to me. No one has ever turned me inside out like he has.

The memory of Neal’s hardness driving deep inside washes over me in steamy waves. After he’d left, my bittersweet state of bliss lasted all day.

Aftershocks rained down on me that made me gasp out loud.

Everything I’ve experienced since meeting Neal has been shocking or bittersweet.

* * *

He has promised to give me ample space to breathe since our night. He doesn’t want to overwhelm me. For that, I am both grateful and a little bit concerned.

Because three days have passed by since.

I’m getting impatient to actually see him again. Impatient for other things, too. I want him to overwhelm me again. I need it.

My mind is going places it shouldn’t.

Does he want me or not?

Okay...honestly... I’m starting to get paranoid.