“You know what would make me happy?” he asked.

I shook my head.

“You, out of this dress.”

I pushed him away so I could sit up. “Unzip me?”

I could feel his heavy breathing on my neck as he agonizingly slowly undid the zipper on the back of my dress. I had cursed while contorting to get it all the way zipped, but now, I understood why the designer had put it in the back.

Nathan ran his hands over my shoulders and pushed the dress off my arms. His breath, and his lips caressed the back of my neck, and between my shoulder blades. He bunched the skirt into his large hands and then lifted the dress over my head.

The band of my bra relaxed, and I pulled it off, tossing it to the floor. I crossed my arms over my exposed breasts. The nerves of standing there in my underwear were replaced by the anticipation of Nathan touching me. I spun in his arms, pressing my breasts against his chest.

He growled and tightened his arms around me. His mouth on mine was hungry and needy, just as my kisses were. We hadn’t been with each other for so long, hadn’t touched one last time. I shimmied my panties down, and then slid my hands into the waistband of his underwear.

His cock pressed into my belly, hard and hot.

“Condom,” he growled.

He broke away from me. He stood at arm’s length, holding my hand, just gazing at me, at my body. I shivered, and his cock pulsed. We both wanted this, needed this. I climbed in the bed and slid under the duvet cover. He had gone European with only a fitted sheet and the duvet, no other blankets or sheets to get in the way. It also meant fewer blankets to wrap around me and try to warm up with. I shivered against the cool sheet, not entirely certain if it was from the cool of the sheet or my nerves, or both.

Nathan cussed and threw things out of the top drawer of his tallboy dresser.

When he turned back to me, he had a box of condoms in his hand and a triumphant grin on his face. If he looked that pleased from just finding condoms, I couldn’t wait to see his expression after we had sex. Hell, I couldn’t wait for the sex.

His skin was so warm as he slid under the cover with me.

“You’re shivering,” he said as he ran his hands vigorously over my arms. “You have nothing to be nervous about Gabs. It’s me, it’s us. We’ve always been good together. No, we’ve been great.”

I rolled to my back and tugged him with me. “I need your heat,” I said.

I ran my leg up his and hooked it over his hip.

Nathan pressed up on one arm, and with the other hand, tore the condom pack open with his teeth, and then rolled the condom on. Tossing the empty packet aside, he lowered, pressing me back against the mattress.

He guided his cock to my entrance. Rubbing it against my pussy and over my clit.

“You are already so slick,” he murmured against my skin.

I whimpered. The feel of him against me had pushed me past the ability to form words. I tilted my hips up to him, but he continued to tease me with the tip of his cock. And then he gave it to me. Nathan was a large man, thick with girth and length. He didn’t slide in at first, he eased in, inch by glorious inch.

I gasped as I stretched to accommodate him. He felt like home, like a part of me had been missing for years, and now it was back. He was back.

Nathan took his time with me, he didn’t rush, he didn’t force. He eased his cock back and then pressed it into me. My muscles were already gripping him, wanting to hold him tight.

“Fuck, Gabs, you are so tight tonight.”

I was so close to the edge; it wasn’t going to take much for him to trip me into an orgasm. He licked his fingers and then reached between us. I cried when those fingers circled my clit. And that’s all it took. I had no control. I saw stars behind my eyelids, and it was a struggle to breathe properly. All I could do was gasp and whine and hold on.

Nathan began stroking, sliding as my orgasm gave him the advantage he needed.

“That’s it Gabs, you scream for me.”

It was as if his permission was what I needed for my whines and whimpers to turn into louder moans and cries. He felt so good. This felt so good. It was almost too much, but I wanted all of him, all of this.

His thrusts grew harder, faster. My orgasm left me limp. It was almost a struggle to keep rocking against him. He pressed into me hard and held himself there, ecstasy contorting his beautiful face as his orgasm hit.