“You must have me mistaken for someone else. I don’t ride motorcycles.” Nathan said that last bit with a sneer.

Mitch looked as confused as I felt. What the hell was up with Nathan that he would lie like that?

“Whatever, man.” Mitch shook his head and pushed out of the café.

As soon as I was done with the customer, I crossed the cafe to where Nathan sat watching Mitch strap on his helmet and start up his bike and leave.

“Why did you lie to Mitch like that?” I asked.

“I’m not looking to get back into the scene.”

“Lying to Mitch has nothing to do with the scene. So, what if you don’t race, that’s still no reason to be rude to someone who was once your friend.”

“Look, I don’t ride anymore. And I sure as hell don’t race, and I don’t support people who do. Frankly, I’m disappointed to find out you still do.”

“Do what?”

“Support the illegal race scene. You’re no longer a kid, Gabriella, and it’s a dangerous game.”

I scoffed. “You have no idea what you are talking about.”