Page 8 of Tilly

“Jesus, you two are hot,” another guy said as Isla pulled away, her hands still on my body, and she stared at me. “Let me buy you both a drink,” he said into my ear. His voice was deep and masculine and I took in a deep breath.

I twisted to him and smiled. He was handsome, and typically tall and broad-shouldered, and he was a beta one with a bland scent. Though everyone’s scent once we started dancing blended together like one neutral tone.

“How about dancing with us instead?” I asked.

He grinned, and his eyebrows bounced as I smiled at him. This guy must have thought all his wildest dreams were about to be made real as he moved between Isla and me.

His greedy hands running up our spines, his hot breath touched my neck. He moved his face to Isla. She kissed him, and I pushed back.

I never got involved once a guy made his move, and this guy made a move on Isla. She got his first kiss as his hands gripped her tighter with every slow move until their bodies moved in unison.

“I’m going to the ladies and then home,” I said to Isla. She glanced at me, giving me an unbelieving hiss. “Last night was brilliant. Tonight was a bonus and I need to double check my presentation. You enjoy yourself.”

This was our second night out this weekend. Mainly because my nerves got the better of me and Isla dragged me out for a drink.

I tore myself away from Isla the moment she turned back and kissed her mark for the night. I continued watching the other dancers moving over the dance floor to the pulsating beat as I strolled to the restroom.

I should be jealous of Isla tonight, but I wasn’t. In reality, I shouldn’t have gone out at all. I should have stayed home and double and triple checked the presentation I prepared for the new business owners.

Though with a bit of alcohol warming my veins, working on the presentation at home wasn’t such a good idea. But an earlyish night would be better than dragging myself into work. Especially if the new owners were thinking of thinning the business. A substandard presentation would put my neck on the chopping block.

I liked my job. I really didn’t want to find another one. But I knew I would need more suppressants to be around Luca.

I glanced back at Isla. I was jealous of her tonight. Since James left, I missed being touched, being hugged. I missed the closeness of waking up with a man.

Not that I was planning on taking anybody home. No, all I wanted was a man’s head between my thighs and a quick orgasm in one of the back rooms of the club. And it had been too long. The omega wrapped in these beta hormones was desperate to feel intimacy again.

I strolled into the bathroom. The room was dimly lit to match the mood of the club.

After I washed my hands, I pressed my palms against the sink and dipped my head. My breath hitched and heart rate spiked as a hard body enveloped me and I was too scared to look up as his rock hard cock pushed against my hip. There was a moment of silence between us as I wondered if I should scream.

But as I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent, I felt strangely calm. My eyes shot open the moment his tattoo covered hands spread over mine.

The tattoos blanketed his exposed arms and spanned to the tips of his fingers. I was a sucker for tattoos and as his impressive chest covered my back and his bulging biceps wrapped around my torso. And all I wanted to do was lick my lips.

I lifted my gaze and locked eyes with his in the mirror ahead. He smiled as I did, and his arms circled my waist.

Full, high cheekbones on blond hair, and a layer of thick lashes framed his wide sapphire eyes. My mouth watered as I stared at his full, kissable lips. He lowered his head to kiss the curve of my neck, scraping my skin with a layer of stubble. All I could do was sigh.

“I was waiting for you to come to me,” he said. His mouth was still on my neck as he looked up at me. And I recognised him as the guy who I’d briefly smiled to earlier in the night when I was at the bar.

Not that I could reply to him as my eyes fluttered closed, and I hummed at the touch of his lips on my skin. His touch was a caress of feathers.

He spun me and our lips collided in a deep kiss, tongues stroked slowly together as his hands pierced my hair. He pulled away, his blue eyes darkened and his gaze penetrated into mine.

“Food?” he asked the moment he pulled away.

“A date already,” I said and laughed. “I don’t know your name.”

He grinned. “Date, food, sex, you choose the order.”

“You want me to eat with you but not know your name,” I said with a smirk.

He smiled, his face lit up under these dim lights. “If I sat you on this counter and ate you out, would you want my name?”

And then his head dipped down, lips skimming over my throat as his fingers dug into the curves of my hips and ass, drawing me closer, letting me feel his arousal. I moaned as he sucked softly on my skin.

His eyes met mine, and I smiled as his tongue languidly caressed my neck and jaw.

“Nope, I wouldn’t want you using your mouth for anything other than eating me out,” I said, arching an eyebrow.

There was something behind his eyes, but for now, I was putting it down to pure lust. I just hoped he was as filthy as his words.

He burst out laughing, took my hand, and walked me out of the restroom. “It’s Jackson...” He turned and smiled. “I might not get the chance to tell you once I’m eating… you.”

I pushed my thighs together at that.

God, I need this man tonight.