Page 69 of Tilly


IleftLucaand Jackson as I crept out into the hallway, turned, and made my way to the kitchen. Where I grabbed a bag of ice and a large cool water and took a seat on the sofa.

I was still so hot and clammy and I didn’t know if having sex during this heat was making it worse. The first time I went through a heat was a bitch. The next two times were bearable, with cold showers and meditation.

This one was the worst.

Luca and Jackson were asleep, and I needed more. I didn’t want to wake them. I’d wrecked them with my demands and I lost count of the number of orgasms they gave me. The last one was a beast with the three of us locked together, Jackson knotted in my pussy and Luca in my arse. The feeling was unreal, intense, like nothing else.

I thought that was the one, the climax that would take me out of my heat. I fell asleep, exhausted from six hours of nonstop sex.

But now... I wanted more.

Hopefully, I only needed to cool myself. I found the air-con remote and switched it on, closed my eyes and laid myself underneath the outlet and hoped it helped.

“Are you okay?”

My eyes opened and Cruz was standing over me, his arms crossed over his wide, muscular chest. I hummed as my eyes lowered further, knowing it was wiser to look upwards. But no, those damn eyes kept going lower.

He cleared his throat. “Are you okay?” he repeated.

I nodded. “Just hot.”

“Where are Jackson and Luca?”

”Asleep. I left them to have a cold shower, then I thought a drink would help.”

There was hesitation, but only for a moment before he pulled me up and engulfed me in his enormous arms as they wrapped around me tightly. He purred as he held me, and the soothing vibrations settling my crazy emotions I found had reared their head whenever he was around me. He cared, and I found that aroused me. Everything aroused me. This heat was wild.

“Just hold me and I’ll be fine.”

“I can do that.” He walked around the room, his hand rubbing up and down my back. My head dropped into the curve of his neck. Each rumbling purr vibrated into my head. Each gentle touch of his hands was soothing my nerves.

“Thank you,” I whispered, tilting my head back and staring into his wide, grey eyes. Eyes that had haunted me for years.

He swallowed, his brow furrowed.

“For holding me when I’ve not been too kind to you,” I said. “It’s so hard to feel you, but wonder if...”

“I couldn’t tell you who killed your father.”

“I know. I get it now.”

He nodded. “I couldn’t betray your mother when she trusted me. I had to protect her too, because it meant if they found her, they’d find you.”

I tried to push my legs away from being around his waist, but he growled and gripped my thighs to hold me in place. The feeling between my legs was building fast, my hips rolling to gain friction on my clit. He grunted before quieting my whimpers with his mouth.

I smiled, stopped and gazed at him, and lowered my mouth into his. His hands gripped my head, his fingers tangled in my hair, as my tongue danced with his.

“Take me to bed,” I begged.

He walked me to my bedroom, standing outside the door as we kissed again. I pulled away. “Your room. I don’t need my nest. I need you.”

“Tilly,” he barked, but the sound didn’t help with anything as wetness increased between my thighs and my perfume infiltrated the air.

“Please, I need you,” I whined. “This isn’t my heat. This is me wanting you.”

“Fuck,” he barked again, not waiting for another beg as he pushed against his bedroom door. Striding in and kicking the door shut behind me.

It surprised me to see his bed. It was as though he expected the moment. Pillows and blankets covered the top in different fabrics.

I looked at his face and smiled. “You expected me to come looking for you.”

He shook his head. “The need was there, the expectation certainly wasn’t, but I wanted to be prepared if it happened.”

I held his face in my hands and kissed him, closing my eyes as he joined me. Until his legs hit the bed and he lowered us together. I was sitting on his lap and pushing my centre against his swollen cock.

“I want it inside me,” I whispered. “I need you.”

“Fuck Tilly, I’ve waited forever to hear that.”

He wrapped one arm around my back and stood and yanked his boxers down his thighs. I used my foot and pushed them to the floor.

“Can I remove the towel?” he asked.

I smiled and nodded. He was an alpha, and I expected he would have dragged it away with little thought. But he was being respectful, and that made me happy.

He lowered us onto the bed. I raised on my knees as I looked at his thick cock, licking my lips in anticipation.

Cruz hummed again, pulling away to look at me. “Are you sure you’re not sore?” Cruz held onto the base. My eyes locked with his as I shook my head. “Get me wet with your juices,” he said.

I didn’t wait. I lowered myself to the end and hissed as my hot pussy slid over the length of his cock. “That’s it, nice and wet. I’m ready for you. Are you ready for me?”

My eyes fluttered as I lowered myself on his cock, moaning as I tucked my face into his neck, our combined heat along with his thick, long cock, and I knew I’d be coming with no problem.

Cruz’s lips pressed to the shell of my ear, then lower as he kissed my neck and I shivered at each single touch.