Page 6 of Tilly

Later that day, I pushed open the door to the lunchroom and smiled at Lisa and Guy as I took my sandwich from the fridge. Then I made my way to their table, plonking myself onto the chair miserably.

Guy sighed as he tapped the side of his cup, something he did often. “You look how I feel,” he said. “Presentation?”

I nodded.

“Me too, Tuesday at eleven. You?”

“Monday afternoon, no time. They’re playing golf first,” I said with a roll of my eyes.

“I’m glad I’m a personal assistant,” Lisa said with a laugh.

I smiled as I took a bite of my sandwich.

“Do you think they’ll be laying people off, trimming the business?” Lisa asked. “That’s what normally happens when there’s a takeover.”

I shrugged a shoulder at the same moment my mobile chimed. “I think personal assistants will be fine. Normally, managers and executives go first.”

“Are you worried?” Guy asked. He was an executive, like me, but he worked in the finance team.

I nodded. But I wasn’t only worried about the job, I worried because normally alphas ran businesses. Alphas that hunted omegas.

Hopefully, they would’ve claimed their omega.

“He was good looking. The new owner,” Lisa said, as I took another bite of my sandwich.

He was, and I hated the way my body buzzed as he stared at me. Hated the way I felt between my thighs, and the damn suppressants seemed to stop working the moment I sighted him. Luckily the meeting passed by quickly and before I knew it, I was out of there and then the worry over my presentation held me.

“Out of my league,” I replied.

“Not out of mine,” Guy said and grinned.

Lisa slapped him over the arm. “There is no way he is gay.”

“Don’t worry about that. I have total faith in my abilities.” Guy waggled his eyebrows.

I burst out laughing, spurting bits of bread over the table. “Did you not see the way Sandy leaned into him? I think she is keen,” I said, cleaning the table.

“She was touchy-feely with him,” Lisa said. “But he wasn’t interested.”

I wasn’t get involved with office gossip, so I finished my sandwich and picked up my coffee cup, and said, “sorry presentation to finish. See you later.”

After a couple of hours of working, I sent my presentation to my personal email account, to work on at home. I turned off my computer and picked up my bag. “I’m going to say goodbye to Jeremy,” I said, as I popped my head into Sandy’s office. “See you Monday.”

Sandy nodded, and I made my way to Jeremy’s office.

“Can I see Jeremy?” I asked his secretary Barbara, an enormous bouquet sat on her desk. She nodded. Her eyes were red, and she looked devastated.

I tapped on his door and waited for him to call me into his office. He smiled as I walked to him.

“It won’t be the same here without you,” I said in a croaky voice. “And I hope your retirement is everything you hope, but I’m going to miss you. This company... what I mean...”

“You’re going to be fine,” he said, almost answering a question I never asked. His eyes locking onto mine, he smiled, and I swallowed back my doubt.

Why is he looking at me weirdly?

Did he know, or am I being paranoid?

“You’re a good worker, Tilly,” he said, and I grinned and finally swallowed my relief. “Enjoy your bonus. You deserve it.”

I exhaled and laughed. “I think I’ll spend it on a night out. Boy, I need it after today and knowing I have to present to the new owners on Monday.” I smiled as I headed toward the door.

“Tilly?” he called.

I turned back to him.

“You’re a good person, Tilly. Life can be good if you grab any opportunities you can and run with them. Sometimes letting go of your fears is what you need.”

My eyes held his, and I was sure he could see into my soul. I nodded, pulled the door open, and took my mobile from my bag.

Me: I need a night out. Please say you’re free.

Isla: Not tonight. Tomorrow or Sunday?