“Yeah, well, the place he had for me was an apartment over his garage. And I didn’t exactly have a say in the matter,” I told him.

“Why didn’t you go to the police?”

“Because I wasn’t given any time. Colin showed up and told me to pack. Not ten minutes later, the place was flooded with Cody’s old men who were escorting me to my new place.”


“Because Colin is warped. Because, I think, he’d always been into me and was pissed that Cody asked me out first. And that, you know, I would never say yes to the likes of him.”

“But you clearly got some freedom,” Massimo said, waving out toward the winery.

“He’s kept me trapped in his house for almost four years now,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

“I’m not trying to downplay it,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m trying to understand how you’re here.”

“That’s the other long part of the story,” I told him. “Colin wanted to keep me captive because, like I said, he’s sick. He just enjoys it. Forcing me to wear what he wants and sit across from him at the dinner table every night. Like he could wine and dine me enough to make me think he isn’t the absolute scum of the earth.”

“But that wasn’t all.”

“No. That wasn’t all. Colin thinks that I am not only hiding the location of Cody’s fortune from him, but also refusing to tell him about the contacts Cody was making, and the deals he was working on right before he died.”

“Are you?”


“Why? If you gave him what he wants—“

“He will be even more powerful than he already is. And, believe me, he’s gained a lot of power in our area now. Most of the police are on his payroll. The locals know better than to snitch on him because he is so vicious.”

“Is the money that significant?”

“Yes,” I said, nodding. “I mean, I don’t know what your definition of significant is,” I said, waving out at the winery that had to cost him millions to build. “But for us, for where we came from, it’s a lot.”

“Millions?” he clarified.

“Low, but yes.”

“Are you even sure it’s still there?”


“How can you be sure?”

“Because my yearly ‘gynecologist appointment’ is actually me checking on it,” I told him.

“Is that how you got away now? Supposed to be getting yourself checked out?”

“This time, it’s the neurologist for my chronic headaches. Which I don’t have. I just claim I have them so I can skip dinner with Colin a night or two a week. I can’t be gone long,” I added.

“On your way back, pick up some calcium, magnesium, and zinc supplements. Maybe even some riboflavin.”

“Ah… why?”

“Because that’s what my ma’s neurologist told her to try first before she got on daily meds. The calcium, magnesium, zinc as a daily. Then the riboflavin and some migraine meds with caffeine when she got a migraine.”

“Oh, ah, thanks. That’s helpful.”

“I have a question.”