Page 93 of Breaking My Silence

I snorted. “I’m guessing that’s your car out there, Hillary?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Izzie’s car is in the shop. We were supposed to pick it up today, but since you needed us here, we just took mine instead. We’ll run back to Lawrence tomorrow and get it. It’s only forty-five minutes away. Now get over here and let us love on you, girlie.”

I chuckled weakly and walked over to the couch for hugs. Hillary squeezed me tight and rubbed my back.

“Iz told me a little bit about what’s going on. I’m a survivor too. If you need to talk to someone who gets it, I’m here. Anytime,” she whispered into my ear.

“Thank you,” I whispered back, choking down a lump in my throat at the knowledge that someone I cared about had suffered the same pain and trauma that I had. “I’m sorry you went through that.”

“Iz helped me heal from it. Like I can tell Ian’s helping you. And even if your mom never comes around, you’ve got so many people who love you and are going to support you through this. You’re not alone.”

I nodded into her shoulder and then let go of her to hug Izzie. Just like Hillary had, she squeezed me so tight I almost couldn’t breathe. When I backed up, Ian was nowhere to be found.

“I’m guessing he went to put your haul from the pet store away,” she chuckled, answering my unspoken question. “Seriously, though. Thepet store? Of all places?”

“We went out for coffee and breakfast too. But my mom only gave us half an hour to pack, and I forgot a couple of Cosette’s things.”

“Does that mean we get to meet Cosette?” Hillary asked. “I volunteer at a pet shelter, and I always love playing with the bunnies that come in.”

“If she’s feeling social, sure. She’s in Ian’s room.”

“Dad and Maya are actually letting you guys sleep in the same room?” Izzie laughed. “Color me shocked.”

“It’s kind of a unique situation,” I sighed. “Cosette has to live there, and I also need the support right now. I’m about an inch away from a nervous breakdown.”

“You’ve got a good excuse. I really want to go kick your mom’s ass,” she muttered. “There’s no excuse for that shit.”

“Ian said this morning that I should block her number. I haven’t done it yet, but I’m thinking about it.”

“You absolutely should,” Hillary said. “Don’t give her such an easy way to contact you. She knows where you are, so if she has something to say to you, she can come say it to your face, in front of everyone else here. If she doesn’t want to say it with other people in the room, it’s because it’s something that she shouldn’t be saying to you at all. Because the only words out of her mouth should be, ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘I love you,’ and ‘I’m going to support you every fucking step of the way.’ She tries to say anything else, and her ass gets kicked right back out the door.”

“I’m with my brother and Hill on this one,” Izzie agreed. “It sounds awful, but the last thing you need right now is having to read and listen to your mom lash out at you. You’re under enough stress already. Block her on all of your social media too, so she can’t try to contact you on there.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I conceded.

I pulled out my phone and added my mom’s number to my block list. She’d already tried to call me three more times this morning and sent me a few more texts. That alone told me that this was the right thing to do, because I was starting to get anxiety every time my phone went off. I also pulled up my email and my Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest profiles and blocked her there. I wasn’t on any other social media. I’d deleted all of my other profiles after the rumors and bullying started because I didn’t want to make it even easier for those jerks to get to me.

“Come on, Ky. Take us to see Cosette until Gary gets home,” Hillary said as she stood up and put an arm around my shoulders. “Let’s just put this out of your head for a little while.”

* * *

My stomach dropped to the floor as I heard the sound of the front door unlocking and opening and Gary talking to Sergio. Maya had gotten home a few minutes ago, and all five of us were hanging out in Ian’s room so I could have some Cosette time before talking to Gary and figuring out where to go from here.

I wasn’t ready for this. I wasn’t strong enough. This was only the first step, and all the steps that followed terrified me. Reporting it to the police. Talking to detectives and lawyers. Confronting my rapists in court.

But it felt like I didn’t have a choice now. I couldn’t let Ian or my friends get hurt, and the only way I could ensure that was if I reported my assault and got Max, Tucker, and Drew arrested.

“It’ll be okay, baby,” Ian murmured, sliding his arms around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head. “Every single person in this house is here because we love and support you. And you only have to tell as much of your story as you’re comfortable with.”

“It’s not fair,” I sniffled. “I wasn’t ready for this. But my choice was taken away from me. Again.”

“Maya, Iz, Hill, can I have a second alone with Ky?” he asked quietly. “Tell Dad we’ll be down in just a minute.”

“Of course,” Maya murmured, placing a comforting hand on my arm before turning to Izzie and Hillary. “Come on, girls.”

They walked out of the room and Maya shut the door behind them, and I got up to put Cosette back in her cage. As soon as I was empty-handed, Ian pulled me into his arms, squeezing tight.

“Ky, you’re the strongest person I know,” he whispered. “But even the strongest people have their breaking point. So if you reach yours, just say the word and we can be done talking about this for today. Dad’s not going to force you to talk about anything you’re not ready for. Okay?”