Page 90 of Breaking My Silence

“I’ll grab her some lettuce in a little bit. I need to try to get her to eat some real food before I resort to a banana.”

“Just let me know if you realize you forgot to bring anything, honey. Mi casa es su casa.”My house is your house.

“Muchas gracias.”Thank you so much.

“De nada,” Maya said before pulling the door closed.You’re welcome.

I turned back to Kyler. “What can I do to help you, baby?”

“Um, can you grab her water bottle out of the bag and fill it up? And then hand me her litter and litter box?”

“You sure you trust me to do that?” I teased.

She giggled, and I stole another kiss before standing up and getting to work.

* * *

“I can’t believe I didn’t bring anything to sleep in,” Kyler groaned as she dug through her duffel bag. “I’m such an idiot.”

“That’s an easy fix,” I chuckled, going to my dresser and grabbing a t-shirt. “Here.”

She disappeared into my en-suite bathroom and emerged a couple of minutes later.

Holy shit. I wasn’t prepared for how hot she’d look wearing nothing but one of my shirts. I’d seen her in nothing more than her underwear more than once while we were making out, but this? Yeah, it was definitely the best look I’d ever seen on her. Even the jeans I was still wearing couldn’t completely hide what it was doing to me.

She obviously saw, because she turned bright red as she climbed onto my bed. Damn, did she look good there. Like she was exactly where she belonged.

Because she was. Where she belonged was with me. For the rest of our lives.

“You have no idea how hot you look right now,” I said, giving her a kiss.

“Apparently at least as hot as a department store mannequin,” she teased, looking pointedly at the bulge in my pants.

I laughed, completely unprepared for that comeback. “Am I ever going to live that down?”

“Nope,” she chuckled, grinning. “Need some help with that?”

I shook my head. “You’ve been through enough today, baby.”

She sighed. “When are you going to get it through your thick skull that I’m not afraid of you?”

“I know,” I assured her. “But I still don’t feel right takinganythingfrom you after the day you’ve had.”

Kyler smiled and leaned forward to claim my lips in a soft kiss that I swore actually made my heart expand in my chest. “It’s not taking something from me if I’m giving it freely. But only if you want it.”

If Iwantedit? Didn’t she realize that there would literally never come a time when Ididn’twant her hands on me? When getting to touch her didn’t make every single nerve ending in my body light up like a Christmas tree?

I pulled her into a kiss and laid her back on the pillows, skimming my hand up her leg and pushing her shirt up as I went.

“I willalwayswant you, gorgeous,” I whispered against her lips. “Think you can be quiet?”

“I can try,” she breathed, covering my mouth with hers again.