Page 79 of Breaking My Silence




The guys’locker room was empty as I went in to clear my locker out during an exam period for a final I didn’t have to take since I was getting an A in the class. It was an awesome perk they gave seniors at this school: as long as seniors had an A or B in their classes, they didn’t have to take the final exams. Most of the exams this week were mid-terms, not finals, but a couple of them were finals that I’d opted out of because thanks to Kyler, I was now making straight A’s.

Since I wasn’t going to be playing any sports next semester because I wanted to concentrate more on my grades – and also because I really didn’t feel like playing on a basketball team with Max, Tucker, and Drew – I needed to make sure my locker was empty for the next person who was going to use it. So I figured I could put the free time to good use.

I should have known better. I should have waited until Braden could come with me, or until one of the coaches was in the locker room too at least. But since, once again, things had been quiet since the latest blowup with the Three Stooges, my guard was down. And that gave certain people the perfect opportunity to corner me with no witnesses.

Just as I closed my locker and shouldered my gym bag, two strong pairs of hands grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back into the opposing row of lockers. I grunted as I felt the metal handles digging into my back, but I set my jaw and stared Max and Tucker down like it was a contest.

“Did you think it was that easy to get rid of us, lover boy?” Max hissed, throwing a sucker punch to my gut.

“I’m not an idiot,” I snapped. “But you can threaten me and rough me up all you want. It’s not going to make me abandon Ky.”

Tucker’s knee landed square in my gonads, and I doubled over, groaning in agony as the pain radiated from my sack all the way up to my kidneys and abdomen, and then he punched me in the ribs. I thought I heard one of them crack, but I couldn’t be sure.

“When we’re done with you, we’re going to go pay a visit to that girl of yours. Think she’s up for round two with us, Max?” he chuckled darkly.

“I don’t think she’ll have much of a choice,” Max cackled. “But whether or not she can handle it is another question altogether.”

“Lay so much as a finger on Ky, and I swear to God, I will bury you so deep you’llneverbe able to dig your way out,” I spat.

“I’d like to see you try, lover boy,” Tucker sneered. “You have no proof.”

“I’ve got the fresh bruise on my stomach. And my crushed balls,” I hissed. “That alone is grounds for expulsion. And it’s felony assault.”

“Oh, listen to that. The lawyer’s kid knows legalese,” Max laughed. “You forget something, Thomason. I know lawyers too. Expensive ones.”

I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn’t tip my hand yet. Kyler and I had talked about everything that happened at the championship game, including what Braden had pointed out about her age at the time making what they’d done statutory rape. She was still on the fence, but now she was seriously considering finally reporting her assault. The main thing holding her back was that she wasn’t sure she was ready to have that conversation with her mom, and she knew she’d have to do that before a story about three students at this school being arrested for sexual assault broke in the news.

And if shedidreport them, all the money in the world wouldn’t be able to save either one of them. All it might be able to do was buy them a reduced sentence.

“You do what you have to do, andI’lldo whatIhave to do to protect my girlfriend,” was all I said.

Another punch to the gut and another knee in the family jewels came swiftly, and then they shoved me on the floor while my balance was still off.

When I looked up, Max and Tucker were gone. The only evidence I had that they were ever here was the searing pain in my abdomen, ribs, back, and nether region. I had a feeling they’d just been blowing smoke out their asses and hitting me where they knew it would hurt when they’d threatened to hurt Kyler again, but I wasn’t taking any chances. I pulled my phone out and texted Braden.

Me: I don’t have time to explain, but can you meet Ky after her Economics exam and walk her to Pre-Cal for me?

Braden: What happened?

Me: Yates and Taylor happened. They beat the shit out of me while I was cleaning out my locker. And they threatened Ky, and I don’t know if it was just to hit me where they knew it would hurt.

Braden: FUCK! Are YOU okay, man? Need me to come take you to the nurse?

Me: I see you in this locker room and I WILL kick your ass. I’ll live, but I need my girl safe. Please.

Braden: I won’t let her out of my sight.

“Ian?” someone asked.

I was still curled up on the floor, so I couldn’t see who it was. Until Drew Harrison knelt down beside me.

“Jesus Christ,” he said quietly. “Are you okay?”