Page 43 of Breaking My Silence

Kyler whimpered quietly as she curled closer against me under the heavy blanket we were wrapped up in as we sat in the bed of my truck, waiting for the gates at the stadium to open. I tightened my arms around her, trying to remind her that she was safe with me, as I looked at Tucker Yates, who was standing there with his father.

“You know, Thomason, you might want to go get tested soon. I heard Ky tested positive for gonorrhea a month ago,” he laughed before I could say a single word. “Wasn’t that around the time you started fucking her?”

I felt Kyler curl up even more, like she was trying to make herself as small as possible.

As I looked at the monster who had raped my girlfriend, I tried to see one of my teammates. An eighteen-year-old kid like me. Someone I could relate to onsomelevel.

But all I could see was those dark, cold eyes, staring me down like it was a contest. And all I could think about was if this was the same way he’d looked at Kyler as he’d put cigarettes out on her stomach. If those eyes had been this cold and detached while he’d forced his dick down her throat until she couldn’t breathe. If he’d laughed like this as he was jacking off into her hair.

“How are you okay with your son treating people like this, Mr. Yates?” I bit out.

“Don’t see anything wrong with my boy trying to warn one of his teammates about a girl who whores herself around. She’ll probably end up dead by the time she’s thirty at the rate she’s going, from what I hear,” Mr. Yates scoffed.

What in the actual fuck? What grown man actually talked like that about a teenage girl? Especially one who was sitting right in front of him?

No wonder Tucker was such a piece of work. His behavior was learned. Not that that was an excuse, but it explained a lot.

“Right. And where did you hear that? From him? Ever stop to think he might be lying?” I growled.

“Ian, stop,” Kyler said in a small voice. “It won’t do any good.”

“Listen to your whore,Ian,” Tucker goaded.

“Go fuck yourself, Yates,” I spat. “From what I hear, that’s the only action you’re getting these days anyway. At least from willing girls.”

Kyler stiffened, and I realized too late that I’d said too much.

Fuck. Shit. God damn it. Motherfucker!

Tucker’s father walked around to the side of my truck and put his hand on the bedside panel, getting right up in our faces. The odor of beer and stale cigarettes wafted off of him, so thick that it made me gag.

“You’d better not be accusing my boy of what I think you’re accusing him of,” he hissed. “He’s never fucked any girl who didn’tbegfor it.”

I could tell Kyler was trying to keep quiet, but when he said that, a small sob broke free from her throat as she buried her face in my neck so she didn’t have to look at him. I rubbed her back under the blanket, trying my best to keep a straight face.

“Get your hand off of my truck, Mr. Yates,” I said, low and menacing. “And walk away before I call my father. You know, Gary Thomason, the assistant district attorney in Johnson County.”

Yeah, we were in Jackson County – which was in Missouri, not Kansas – right now, but something told me this idiot was too drunk to even realize that my father couldn’t do jack shit to him here.

“You’ve got nothing to charge me with, boy,” he scoffed.

Yep, right over his head.

“Oh, I’m sure he could make something stick. Public intoxication, perhaps?”

“Dad, it’s not worth it,” Tucker said. “Come on. Let’s just go in.”

“You best leave my boy alone, Thomason,” Mr. Yates said as he backed away from my truck. “Accidents happen. Especially in football.”

“Was that a threat I heard?” I challenged.

“Of course not. Just an observation.”

“Dad, let’s get out of here. Come on.” Tucker sounded nervous now.

Wow. Obviously this asshat wouldn’t be getting any academic-based scholarships either. Evenhedidn’t realize that my threat of having my father press charges was baseless here.

Tucker led his father away with some difficulty, and I turned to kiss Kyler’s forehead. I felt like a colossal idiot, and my fear that I’d just made things worse for her by sticking my foot in my mouth had my stomach twisting into a knot.