Page 32 of Breaking My Silence

The girls dissolved in another fit of giggles, and Braden groaned and hung his head.

“You areneverliving this shit down, man,” I laughed.

“Hell, Harrison’s probably already started spreading it around anyway,” he chuckled. “The entire team’s gonna be singing that stupid song when I walk into the locker room this afternoon.”

“Either that or they’ll be waiting to kick your ass for fucking with Drew,” Melissa said.

“Are you sure you’re ready for that?” Kyler asked, completely serious again. “Being friends with me isn’t going to win you any popularity contests, Braden. You know that, right?”

He nodded. “I know. Those assholes can go fuck themselves. I should have told them that a long time ago. Besides, your man’s gotta have some protection on the field. Being on the same team won’t stop the Three Stooges from roughing him up when Coach isn’t looking.”

Her eyes went wide, and she turned to me.

“I can take it, baby,” I promised, stealing a quick kiss. “You’re worth it.”