Page 131 of Breaking My Silence

Her cheeks flushed bright pink as she pulled back. “Thanks.”

She took his yearbook from him and started to write, giving me a chance to write my message to her. And for a second, I hadn’t the foggiest idea what to say. But then it came to me.

Who knew that asking for extra help in Spanish and Pre-Cal would end up leading me to the girl I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with? This year’s been insane, but I wouldn’t take any of it back for the world. Because every second of it has led us here, and in the end, we still have each other. And that’s the only thing that matters to me. Te quiero, bebé. Por siempre.


“God, are you writing a whole book over there, man?” Braden asked. “I need that yearbook too. I need to write something funny to even out all the mush you’re probably writing.”

Kyler giggled and handed his yearbook back to him. He took one look at it and started cracking up.

“Wow,” he laughed. “I didn’t think you had that in you, Ky.”

“What can I say? I’m full of surprises,” she chuckled. “Where’s yours, babe? If you’re writing something in mine, I get to write something in yours too.”

I pulled my yearbook out of my backpack and handed it to her, and she immediately opened it up and started writing. And then I handed hers to Braden so he could write what I was sure was going to be a wildly inappropriate message in it.

“Look at what your girl wrote to me,” he snickered, handing me his still-open yearbook.

I took it from him with my pen still in hand so I could sign it. And I couldn’t stop laughing for a solid minute when I read Kyler’s message to him.

You were the last person I expected to become friends with this year. But you’re one of the best people I know, and I’m so excited that you’re coming to college with me and Ian because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to you yet. Just maybe try not to fuck any of your teammates’ moms while we’re there.


“Liked that, did you?” Kyler giggled, handing my yearbook to Braden and taking hers back from him.

“I completely forgot he said that to Drew until I read that. It’s hilarious,” I chuckled, pulling her into a kiss. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to top that.”

“Wait, we’re signing yearbooks already?” I heard Melissa say.

“Right? I need in too!” Hannah chimed in.

Kyler’s face fell for just a second, but then she pulled it together and smiled at her friends. “Yep. You can sign mine if you want. Here’s yours, babe.”

“Yay! You’re empty-handed now,” Melissa giggled, handing her yearbook to Kyler and taking Kyler’s from her. “So you get to be the first one to sign mine.”

Even though Eric was doing five years in jail for aggravated assault, Melissa still hadn’t felt safe enough to stay local for college. He’d be eligible for probation in three years, and she didn’t want to end up looking over her shoulder if he got out early. So she was still going to school in Omaha, and Kyler was having a hard time knowing that her time with her best friend was limited. I knew we’d still keep in touch with her, but it wouldn’t be the same, and I had to admit I wasn’t looking forward to the inevitable goodbye either.

“Here, Ian. Since you’re empty-handed now,” Hannah said as she handed her yearbook to me.

I wrote a quick message to her, telling her how grateful I was for her friendship to me and Kyler over the past few months, and then passed it over to Braden, who wrote his own message. Then Kyler handed mine back to me, and smiled as I read what she’d written.

I wish I could come up with something to say that even begins to describe how I feel about you. But I can’t, because there are no words for it. So I’ll just tell you that I never saw you coming, but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I can’t wait to see what the rest of our lives have in store for us. Te quiero mucho. Por siempre.



This time, when I thought about that word, there was no fear attached to it. No wondering how long our happiness would last. Because finally, all the ugliness was behind us. Finally, we could both spread our wings and see how far we could fly.