Page 14 of Breaking My Silence

Yeah, I could kind of tell that. Hehad,after all, asked me to homecoming.

But I wasn’t used to people, especially guys, being so direct with me. The last time a guy had pursued me like this…well, I didn’t like thinking about what had happened.

And now someone who knew those guys had asked me out. I still couldn’t help wondering why, but for some reason, I just had this feeling that I could trust him.

“Um, I’m going to run to the kitchen to get a treat for her,” I mumbled uncomfortably. “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay…” he trailed off.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana, figuring I’d eat what I didn’t give her. When I got back to my bedroom, Ian was still just sitting on the bed, talking to my bunny and petting her, and I couldn’t help but smile again.

I’d always said that you could tell a lot about people by how they treated animals. And Cosette was usually skittish around new people, but she’d taken to Ian right away. It made me feel a lot better about letting my guard down with him as much as I had. She was a way better judge of character than I was.

I went to sit down next to him and peeled the banana part of the way, tearing a small chunk off for Cosette.

“Do you want to give it to her?” I asked.

“A banana?”

“Yeah. It’s one of her favorite treats.Yes, she likes carrots too. And strawberries. And raw oatmeal.”

“You sure she’s not going to bite my fingers off?” he teased.

“I’m sure,” I chuckled. “Just hold it still for her. She’ll eat it. She likes you, you know. She usually doesn’t let new people hold her for so long.”

“The feeling’s mutual,” he said as he took the chunk of banana from me and held it out to her.

She immediately started munching on it, and he smiled at her.

“She’s amazing, Ky. I didn’t realize how much personality bunnies had.”

“I didn’t either when I first got her. Like I said, I never thought I’d be a bunny person, but now I always want to have one. She’s an amazing therapy animal,” I admitted, getting up to shut my bedroom door. “When she’s done with the banana, you can just put her on the floor. She’ll hop around while we study.”

“Okay. So, that Pre-Cal homework’s going to suck,” he chuckled.

“Right?” I groaned. “Pile it on right before homecoming, why doesn’t he? But if we get to work, we should be able to finish it by dinner.”

“Well, let’s get started,” he said with a smile.

* * *

Before I knew it, I heard the front door opening and closing, telling me that my mom was home. My heart leapt into my throat as I realized that I’d lost track of time. I hopped up to grab Cosette, but before I could get to her, my mom threw my bedroom door open, staring daggers at me.

“I heard you talking to someone in here,” she snapped.

“Yeah. Mom, this is Ian Thomason, the guy who’s taking me to homecoming. Ian, this is my mom, Brenda,” I sighed.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Strong,” Ian said respectfully.

“Kyler, why is your door closed?” she growled, completely ignoring him. “You know the rules. Open doors when you have guests.”

“Cosette’s out, Mom. And she’s about to escape,” I gasped, diving for my bunny before she hopped out of my room – which would have resulted in another lecture, since she wasn’t allowed outside of these four walls.

“Well, put her back!” she bit out. “You know better, young lady!”

“Mom, seriously, we’restudying. I didn’t see the need to disrupt Cosette’s routine for that.”

“The rules in this house have not changed. Cosette goes up and this door stays open.”