Page 109 of Breaking My Silence

Consider this a warning of what’s to come. You knew what would happen if you talked, Ky.

There was something vaguely familiar about the handwriting, but I couldn’t place it. But if I recognized it at all, that had to mean it was someone I knew.

And it also meant it was someone who knew Kyler was living with us now. She’d been to the post office to fill out an official change of address form and have them forward her mail here, but it wasn’t widely known that she was staying with us yet.

Was someone stalking my girlfriend?

“Oh, my God,” Kyler warbled from behind me. “It’s…it’s dead. Who did that?”

I stood up and pulled her into my arms. Maybe I should have been upset with her for not staying upstairs like I’d asked her to, but right now I didn’t have it in me. I needed her, just as much as she needed me.

“I don’t know, but whoever it was, they’re gone,” I whispered. “I’m going to run upstairs, put the gun back, and grab my phone. I’m calling my dad and then the police.”

She nodded. “Okay. I’m coming with you. I want to film this before the police get here. Is that stupid?”

Actually…it was the exact opposite of stupid. I wasn’t sure how seriously the police would take this, and if they just laughed in our faces, there needed to be a record of it somewhere.

“Not at all. It’s smart. Come on.”

We went back upstairs, and while I put the gun back in the safe and made my phone calls, Kyler got her video equipment and went downstairs to set it up.

My dad told me that he and Maya were on their way home immediately, and the 911 dispatcher said that they’d have officers here within ten minutes. After I got off the phone, I went back downstairs, and Kyler was still setting up her tripod.

“We’ve got about ten minutes before the police get here, baby,” I told her.

She nodded. “It’s all set up. Can you record me explaining what happened, and then I’ll take a shot of the rabbit and note?”

“Yeah, of course.”

I went to stand behind the camera, and she got in front of it. She’d given me a crash course in operating this camera when she’d first started filming this project, because I’d been the one recording whenever she was on camera. Making sure the angle and zoom were good, I hit the button.

“Okay, we’re rolling,” I told her.

Kyler took a deep breath. “It’s 12:05 a.m. on January first. It’s been ten days since my assailants were arrested, but there haven’t been any other developments in the case yet. Ian and I were home by ourselves tonight, and right after midnight, we heard his dog, Sergio, barking and growling. When Ian came downstairs, he found this.”

She swiped her hand across her neck in the “cut” motion, and I stopped recording. Then she came and grabbed the camera off the tripod, getting a good shot of the rabbit and note before turning the camera back on herself. Her arm shook as she was trying to hold the camera, so I took it from her, and she spoke again.

“Whoever did this wants me to stay silent, but I refuse. I’ve given these monsters two years of silence, which was two years too many. My silence was their power, and I refuse to give them any more control over my life. This ismylife andmystory, and I refuse to let anyone else write the ending.”