Page 107 of Breaking My Silence



I eventually managedto convince myself to disconnect from Kyler. But Lord knew it wasn’t easy. I wanted to stay there, wrapped up in her and surrounded by her warmth and love forever.

Tonight had been even better than I’d hoped for. Better than I ever imagined. I’d been expecting to have to calm her down more, and maybe have to remind her that she was safe and in control a few times, but none of that happened. I was pretty sure that I’d actually been more nervous than she was.

“You okay, baby?” I asked as I rolled us onto our sides and reluctantly pulled out of her.

“More than okay,” she said, turning bright red.

Damn, she was adorable. And seeing her blush made me want to go for round two, but I could tell I’d worn her out just now.

“I’ll be right back,” I told her, kissing her forehead.

I stood up and put my boxers back on, then went into the bathroom and wet a washcloth with warm water. On my way back to bed, I grabbed one of my old t-shirts and a pair of panties for her, since the ones she’d been wearing were useless now. I sat down on her side of the bed and tried to be gentle as I washed between her legs, but she whimpered in protest and tried to roll over and close them.

“I’m sorry, baby. I know you’re sensitive. I’m almost done.”

She sighed and rolled back onto her back. I leaned down and gave her a kiss to hopefully take away a little of the sting as I finished cleaning her.

“Okay, it’s over,” I murmured, whispering another kiss over her lips. “I love you.”

“I love you,” she sighed. “So much. You were perfect tonight.”

“Am I the only one who sees the irony in the fact that you’ve told me not to get a big head, but then you go saying stuff like that?” I teased.

She chuckled, and I handed her the shirt and panties.

“I got you some fresh clothes. I think I rendered the ones you were wearing useless.”

“You realize I have pajamas here now, right?” she teased.

“Maybe I just like seeing you in my clothes. Is that a crime?”

She sat up and gave me another kiss, and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, reveling in the feeling of her bare skin against mine. If I didn’t know it before, I sure as hell did now: this girl was my future, and I was never going to let her go.

“Seriously, though, put those clothes on. I only have so much self-control,” I said with a smirk.

“If you hadn’t just completely worn me out, I would tell you not to exercise it,” she sighed as she got dressed.

She disappeared into the bathroom for a minute, and then hunted around the room trying to find Cosette. While she was looking, I grabbed the ice bucket and chocolate-covered strawberries and poured some cider for each of us.

After Kyler found Cosette under the TV stand, she fished her out and put her back in her cage before coming back to bed.

“Aren’t strawberries actually supposed to be aphrodisiacs? And chocolate?” she teased as she grabbed a strawberry out of the box took a bite. “I think you did this backward.”

I laughed. “I didn’t want to be the guy who gives his girlfriend a ton of aphrodisiacs under the guise of being romantic. But I thought they were appropriate for New Year’s Eve, and if I give them to youaftersleeping with you, it doesn’t count. Do you want to put the ball drop ceremony back on TV?”

She shook her head. “Can we just watch a movie?”

“Anything you want. What are you in the mood for?”

“Where were we with the Marvel movies?”

“I thinkAnt Man and the Wasp. I’ll go throw it in.”

* * *