Page 101 of Breaking My Silence

I nodded against his shoulder. “Yeah. It was a long day. I still feel weird accepting everything, though. Especially the car.”

“Your dad’s just trying to help you. Make sure you’ve got everything you need. He wouldn’t be doing this if he couldn’t afford it.”

“I know,” I mumbled. “They want to take us out to lunch and a movie tomorrow.”

“Sounds good. You too tired to open your present from me?” he asked.

He and I had decided to do presents privately because what I’d made for him was a little too personal to give him in front of people, and he’d said his gift for me was personal too.

“Nope,” I said with a smile.

“Good.” He leaned over and grabbed both wrapped gifts off of his nightstand, handing mine to me. “Ladies first.”

I chuckled and unwrapped my gift to find a small box containing a $25 gift card to Designer Shoe Warehouse. Instead of filling out the “to” and “from” fields, he’d used them to write an inscription, and I couldn’t stop giggling when I read it.

Compra los zapatos.

“I found the practical application for that sentence,” he teased.

“At least I know you retained the information,” I laughed.

“That’s not your real present either, though. I just couldn’t resist the opportunity for a gag gift that would make no sense to anyone but us.”

I chuckled and put the gift card on the bed next to us, then grabbed the second item in the box, which looked like a little jewelry box. Sliding the lid off, I found a silver necklace with a butterfly charm on it. It was really cute, and it was casual enough that I could wear it all the time if I wanted to.

“Part of the profits from that get donated to RAINN,” he told me. “I was going to make a donation to an organization that supports survivors of sexual assault in your name for Christmas, but then I found a way to get you an actual gift and make a donation at the same time.”

I didn’t even know what to say to that, so I just kissed him. I couldn’t believe that, in searching for a Christmas present for me, he’d found a way to not only give me something I would appreciate, but also help other people who had gone through what I went through. It was perfect on so many levels, and it was the most thoughtful gift anyone had ever given me.

“I love it. And you,” I sniffled. “So much. Thank you.”

I took the necklace out of its box and unfastened it, and he took it from me and clasped it around my neck, planting a kiss on my shoulder when he was done.

“I love you,” he whispered. “More than anything in the whole world.”

“Okay, open yours,” I chuckled. “I had to get a little creative because money’s been tight.”

“The only gift I need is right here in my arms,” he said, squeezing me tight. “But I like opening presents, so…”

He tore the wrapping off of his gift to reveal the closed two-picture frame I’d bought. When he opened the frame, he gasped as he saw the collage I’d spent two weeks putting together, full of cut-out pictures of us and Cosette and Sergio. Tons of them. Across the top of one side, I’d written “Te quiero por siempre.” And on the other side, I’d written “Head Over Heels,” since that was the song we’d had our first kiss to.

Apparently he liked it, because he kissed me until I couldn’t breathe before saying a single word.

“I love it, Ky,” he murmured, brushing my lips again. “But I love you more.”