Page 72 of Breaking My Silence

Except that I’d seen him taunting her with my own two eyes that one day at lunch.

“I’ve got this,” Braden said, kneeling down on my other side. “Give my boy some space, Harrison.”

Drew sighed and stood up, and Braden helped me get my helmet off.

I could breathe a little easier now, at least. My ribs and back ached, my kidneys felt like they’d just been thrown in a blender, and my nuts felt like they’d been hit with a sledgehammer, but I’d been hit harder than this before. Whatever Max had been trying to do – probably cause a head or neck injury, since he’d shoved me down by my head – it hadn’t worked.

“Seriously, are you okay, man?” Braden asked.

“I’ll probably never have kids now, but other than that, I think I’m good,” I panted.

“Okay, then get your ass up. Ky looks like she’s about to have a fucking heart attack. Izzie and Melissa both had to grab her to keep her from running down here,” he said, holding his hand out.

With a groan, I grabbed his hand and let him pull me up to a sitting position. Then he stood up and held his hand out again to help me to my feet.

I took a second to take inventory of my injuries and decided that, while I was sore, I could still play. I’d be feeling this tomorrow for sure, but that was what ibuprofen was for.

Then I looked up into the stands to find my family and my girl. Kyler looked like she was about to throw up, so I smiled at her and blew her a kiss, trying to show her that I was okay…and she promptly collapsed into Melissa’s arms. Whether that was from relief or because she just couldn’t take any more today, I didn’t know.

“You still okay to play, man?” Braden asked, handing me my helmet.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said as I put it back on. “Let’s do this.”

I started to head back out to the field, but he grabbed my arm before I could go anywhere.

“Not so fast. Go see Coach first.”

I headed over to where Coach Jefferson was standing. He looked relieved that I was up and moving.

“You okay, Thomason?” he asked me.

“Yeah, I’m good. It was a hard hit and I’ll be sore tomorrow, but I can still play.”

“Good. Because I benched Taylor. Think you could handle stepping in as quarterback? Brady can come play in your usual position.”

I was floored. I’d only played as a backup quarterback one other time. I wasn’t great, but I also wasn’t horrible. And based on the decisions Max had been making tonight, I’d at least do a better job than he’d been doing.

“Yes, sir,” I said enthusiastically.

He clapped me on the shoulder. “All right. Then get your ass back on the field. We’ve got a championship to win.”