Page 70 of Breaking My Silence



As we walked backinto the locker room during halftime, Tucker stormed over to Coach Jefferson.

“What the fuck, Coach?” he spat. “This is fucking football! People fall sometimes.”

“Maybe they fall, but they don’t get shoved down by their own teammates, Yates,” Coach growled. “You getting benched was no one’s fault but your own. And now you’ll get to watch your teammates win that trophy without you.”

“But you know—”

“Did I stutter?” he cut Tucker off. “I don’t give a shit about that right now. Right now, the only thing that matters is winning that trophy.”

Wait. What didn’t he give a shit about? Did he know something about why they had it out for me?

Before I could think any more about it, Coach Jefferson turned to the rest of us.

“That goes for all of you. We’re a team, and for the rest of this game, wewillplay like one. I see any of you try to pull what Yates pulled, you’ll be sitting on the bench with him. Understood?”

We all mumbled something that sounded remotely like an agreement. Max, of course, was boiling over with rage. Though, surprisingly, Drew didn’t seem that concerned about it.

“Now, listen, we’re only in the lead by a field goal,” Coach Jefferson continued. “That means youallneed to step up your game. We’ve got a trophy to win, and you’re out there on the field acting like a bunch of damn toddlers! I don’t give a rat’s ass if you like each other, but youwillrespect each other and youwillplay like a team. You leave your personal problems in this locker room. I don’t care who’s dating who or whose girl screwed someone else or who didn’t get invited to who’s party. When you’re on that field, the only thing that matters is that football and getting it into the endzone. Understood?”

Again, the locker room filled with the sounds of halfhearted agreements. A bunch of testosterone-fueled guys didn’t exactly want to hear that they couldn’t try to beat their frustrations out on the field.

But he was right. Would I have loved to pound some of these guys into the dirt while we were out there? Damn straight, I would have. Especially the ones who had assaulted the girl I loved. But I was more mature than that. We were supposed to be working together tonight, not beating each other up.

Once Coach Jefferson finished his pep talk, which was more like a verbal ass-kicking, I pulled my phone out and saw a text from Kyler.

Kyler: I’m not really expecting a response because I know you guys usually have stuff to do during halftime, but please tell me you’re okay. That fall looked pretty bad. Braden too.

Me: We’re both fine, baby. I’ve taken way harder hits than that. Tucker hits like a twelve-year-old girl.

Kyler: Good. I know it’s stupid, but I worry about you.

Me: It’s not stupid. I love you for it. Just please promise you’re not going anywhere alone. I worry about you too.

Kyler: I won’t. Liss and Eric are here too, so if I have to leave the group, I’ll take Liss or Izzie with me.

Kyler: BTW, I told Izzie. Kind of had to after I ended up throwing up from an anxiety attack when we walked in.

My heart squeezed, and I wished like hell that I could have been with her before the game. Especially after our text conversation before warmups. But at least she had Melissa. And Izzie.

And damn, was I proud of Kyler for telling Izzie however much of her story she’d decided to share. My sister was as loyal and solid as they came, and Kyler needed more people like that in her corner, especially if all hell was about to break loose like I had a feeling it was going to soon.

Me: I’m proud of you, Ky. You know you’re the bravest person I know, right?

Kyler: I wish I didn’t have to be.

Me: I know. I do too. But every person you trust with your story is one more person who’s willing to help you shoulder this burden. You’re not doing this alone anymore.

Kyler: I love you.

God, this girl. She slayed me. In the best possible way.

“Head in the game, lover boy,” Max sneered from behind me.

“We’re not on the field,” I said, quickly locking my phone and sliding it in the pocket of my jeans before he could see our texts. “And from where I’m sitting, I’m not the one who has an issue leaving his personal life at home.”