Page 31 of Breaking My Silence

“Oh, I like her already. She’s got spunk,” Braden chuckled. “Hey,Kyler.”

She snorted. “That’s better.”

“Look, I really would like a do-over, Kyler,” he said. “If my boy likes you enough to go out with you, that’s good enough for me. I’m sorry I’ve been a dick to you.”

“Apology accepted. But a few nice words aren’t enough to make up for two years of torture, Braden. I know you didn’t start the rumors, but you’ve had no problem spreading them around. Even though I think you and I both know they’re not true.”

“I know. But will you at least give me a chance to make it right?”

“I hope you know I’m doing this for Ian, not for you,” she sighed. “I’m going to have to accept you being a part of my life if I’m dating him.”

I smiled and kissed her hair. Regardless of why she was doing it, it meant a lot to me that she was willing to try to mend fences with my best friend. Especially knowing what he’d helped to put her through.

She looked up at me, and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity for a real kiss. Which turned into…well, something that probably wasn’t appropriate with both of our best friends sitting there with us.

“Come on, Ky. I just ate,” Melissa giggled.

Kyler turned bright red and buried her head in my chest, and I chuckled.

“Can we at least institute a ‘no making out while we’re eating’ rule?” Braden teased.

“Well, what do we have here?” came Drew’s voice from behind me.

I felt Kyler stiffen in my arms, and I pulled her a little closer as I turned to look at him. He looked like he’d just found the prize in a Cracker Jack box.

“Breaking in the new players, Ky?” he taunted. “Going for another round with Hicks while you’re at it? Or do you fuck both of them at once? I know how much youlovedoing doubles and triples. Who’s your third?”

“When would I have time for that, Harrison?” Braden chuckled humorlessly. “I’ve been too busy fucking your mom. You know, she givesamazinghead. You might want to disinfect your bedroom, by the way. Nice Deadpool sheets.”

I had to stop myself from chuckling, knowing Kyler wouldn’t appreciate the humor. She was still stiff as a board, obviously terrified of Drew. Unfortunately, shit like that was the only way to fight these assholes. But I wasn’t stupid enough to think it’d work on Drew.

Except that, much to my surprise, the dipshit’s face went from sadistic to embarrassed in a split second and he walked away without another word.

“Dude, tell me you didn’t…” I trailed off, looking at Braden.

I knew he was a dog, but one of our linebackers’ moms? Really?

He laughed. “No. You know I mow lawns on the weekends for extra cash. I mowed his parents’ lawn a few weeks ago. I had to take a piss, and I walked past his bedroom on my way to the bathroom. Those Deadpool sheetsarekickass, though. I actually thought about buying a set.”

To my surprise, Kyler started giggling uncontrollably, which made Melissa start giggling too.

“I really wishIcould say something like that to them,” Kyler chuckled when she caught her breath. “But that’d just give them more fuel for their fire.”

“That was epic,” Melissa laughed. “I guess we’ll keep you around, Braden.”

He flashed them a shit-eating grin. “Happy to be of service.” Then he sighed. “I should have been doing that long before now. I’m sorry, Kyler. Really.”

She shrugged. “I get it. The three of them are brutal. It’s easier to just say what they want to hear so you can fly under the radar instead of do the right thing and stand up to them. That’s why Melissa’s my only friend.”

Melissa gave her a sad smile and reached across the table to squeeze her hand, but didn’t say anything.

“Not anymore,” I told her, brushing my lips against her temple. “You’ve got me now.”

“And me,” Braden added. “Those assholes give you any more trouble, I’ll smash their faces in.”

“Or revenge-fuck their moms,” I snickered.

“Oh, my God, guys. Doesn’t Drew have a sister? Named…Stacy?” Melissa said slowly.