“Somewhere we can be alone.”

As we approached the shed, about a hundred yards away from the main house, Drew spun around and grabbed both of my hands, pushing me against the wall and crashing his mouth to mine. I gasped in surprise, and his tongue plunged into my mouth, not asking this time, just taking.

I whimpered and tried to free my hands from his grasp, but it felt like there were twenty-pound weights attached to them and they wouldn’t work right. He lifted them above my head, holding both of my wrists with one hand while the other hand found its way to one of my breasts, squeezing hard.

Tearing my mouth from his, I pulled in a shaky breath.

“Drew, I don’t know about this,” I murmured.

“Don’t you want this?” he growled as he pinned his whole body against mine and ground his erection into my stomach, then lowered his mouth to my ear, licking it before speaking again. “I’ve caught you checking me out when you didn’t think I could see. Seen you staring at me when you should have been looking at the whiteboard in Geometry. I’m just giving you what you asked for, Ky.”

Before I could say anything else, his mouth was back on mine again, his tongue forcing my lips open and making me gag as it pushed its way to the back of my throat. I tried to move my arms, but his grip on my wrists tightened even more, to the point of pain, and he pressed his body further against mine as his fingers dug into my breast and his tongue plunged deeper into my mouth.

I gagged, tearing my mouth away.

“Drew, please,” I begged. “This isn’t funny. I just want to go home.”

“Oh, you’re not going home anytime soon, Ky,” another voice said.

I turned in the direction the sound had come from and found myself face-to-face with Max Taylor, the quarterback of the junior varsity football team and one of the biggest bullies at Old Settlers High School.

Wait. Was Drew friends with him? I’d never seen them hanging out together at school. But then again, theywereon the football team together.

“Nice work, Harrison,” Tucker Yates, another guy on the team, chuckled darkly. “You got us a live one.”

Acid churned in my stomach, and it was all I could do to keep the wine coolers I’d consumed from making a reappearance. Adrenaline started to course through my veins, screaming at me to get the hell out of here. Something wasn’t right.

Thankfully, Drew backed away slightly as he turned toward Tucker, and it was just enough that I was able to shimmy away from him. But I didn’t even make it three steps before Max caught my arm and flung me back against the shed, pinning me down again.

Why had I even come out here with Drew? What had I been thinking? I knew better than this. I wasn’t even allowed to be alone with boys at all.

That was the thing: I hadn’t been thinking. I was drinking and I’d just gone along with whatever Drew wanted. I could have avoided all of this if I hadn’t given in to peer pressure and had those wine coolers.

Pressing the full weight of his body against mine, Max reached into his pocket and pulled something out. I barely had a chance to register the glint of silver in his hand before I felt the sting of the pocketknife’s blade against my throat.

I opened my mouth to scream, but his hand slapped across my lips so fast that it just came out as a muffled whine.

“Make another sound like that or try to run again and I’ll slit your fucking throat.” He let out an evil cackle. “You’re not going anywhere, Ky. The fun’sjustgetting started.”