Page 133 of Breaking My Silence

I still remember how shocked I was to find out you had a pet bunny. But as soon as I met Cosette, she hopped her way into my heart, literally from the first time I held her. Just like at our first Spanish lesson, I couldn’t understand how I could feel so much so fast, and this time for a bunny, no less. I remember you telling me that day that she was an amazing therapy animal. And, though I could see that you were sad, for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what you felt like you needed therapy for.

It was a little over a month later when I found out why you and Cosette had such a special bond, and I’ll never forget that night. It’s permanently imprinted in my mind as both one of the best nights of my life and one of the worst nights of my life. It was one of the best nights of my life because it was the first time you told me you loved me. But it was also one of the worst nights of my life because it was the night I found out about the horrors in your past.

Take all the time you want to catch up with Melissa. Then go to the place where I found out why you needed a therapy animal.

P.S. Melissa and Liam are both here for a week, so you’ll have plenty of time with them later too.

P.P.S. Te quiero. Por siempre.

* * *

When I knocked on Ian’s parents’ door, the place where I’d told him about my assault, Izzie answered and gave me a big hug, and Sergio ran up to me and started jumping up and down. Well, as much as he could, considering that he was a senior citizen now.

“Hey, Iz. Hi, Serge,” I chuckled, scratching behind Sergio’s ears.

She grinned. “Hey, yourself. Ready for your next gift?”

“What the hell did hedo?” I asked her.

“It’s up in Ian’s old room,” she told me. “I think you should see it by yourself first.”

I headed upstairs to Ian’s old bedroom and had to grab the doorframe to stay upright when I saw what was sitting in the middle of the room: a huge cage housing a big, beautiful all-black bunny with huge ears that stuck straight up in the air. Ian and I had started putting feelers out and looking at shelters for another bunny to adopt, and apparently he’d found one and hadn’t told me.

I wiped a couple of tears out of my eyes as I opened the envelope on top of the cage and pulled the note out.

This is Magic. Her full name at the shelter was Magic Eight Ball, but I thought we should shorten it because, seriously, what kind of a name is Magic Eight Ball?

I know we agreed to look together for another bunny to adopt, but Hillary called me when Magic came into the shelter she volunteers at, and I knew she needed to come home with us as soon as I met her. It’s taken a couple of weeks to make sure she had all of her shots and was ready to be adopted, but I picked her up last weekend and Izzie and Hillary have been taking care of her for us until now. No bunny will ever replace Cosette, but I know you’ll fall in love with Magic as fast as I did. She’s a sweetheart with a personality as big as she is.

Take some time to get to know our new bunny and then, when you’re ready, go back downstairs and have lunch with Izzie. She’s got one more gift for you before you head out.

P.S. Magic’s favorite treat is carrots, and she loves to be held and cuddled just like Cosette did. That was how I knew she belonged with us. We’ll come back together later tonight to take her home. I don’t think her cage is going to fit in your tiny car.

P.P.S. I love you. Forever.

I chuckled and sniffled at the same time, and I wiped tears out of my eyes before opening Magic’s cage.

“Hi, Magic. You’re gorgeous,” I said, still trying to get my tears under control as I picked her up.

She immediately snuggled into my arms, just like Cosette used to do, but it was more like holding a cat because she was so big.

I played with Magic for a little while and let her out to hop around the room, laughing at her antics. I melted when she hopped back over to me and put her front paws on my leg, asking to be picked up again. Ian was right. She did belong with us. Though I had to wonder why he’d waited until today to tell me about her.

* * *

After Izzie and I were done with our lunch, she led me down to the basement. Lying on the couch there was a dress that was an exact replica of the one I’d worn on our first date, to the homecoming dance, along with some shoes to match it. And, of course, there was another envelope.

I swallowed down a lump in my throat as I started to piece everything together and opened the envelope.

I’ll never forget the first time I saw you in this dress. You’ve always been the most beautiful girl in the world to me, but that night, you took my breath away. I don’t know what it was exactly. Maybe it was because it was the first time I’d ever seen you in a dress. Maybe it was the little bit of extra effort you’d put into doing your makeup and hair. Or, most likely, it was me realizing how in love with you I was. I just remember not being able to breathe for a solid minute at least and getting high every time you let me touch you and didn’t flinch away.

Get changed into this and let Iz practice some of the makeup techniques she learned at KU on you, since she might as well practice them on somebody. And then go to the first place you and I went that night.

P.S. YES, they know you’re coming. You won’t get arrested for trespassing. Being an alum who got drafted by a Kansas team earned me a favor.

P.P.S. I love you. Forever.

I wiped a couple of tears out of my eyes as I put the note back down on my dress.