Page 80 of Queen of Love

Chapter 24

Genevievecouldn’tdecideif it was best to return to Taipei for the weekend. The city was much more alive at the end of the week, of course, but it was also when business boomed and she was more likely to distract herself with work and hospitality.

At least she had someone to keep her a bit more grounded.

“You’re right,” Aya said, as they drove from the airport to the downtown district of Xinyi. “This place is exactly like Singapore, and yet completely different.”

“You haven’t even been in the city yet!”

Their Taiwanese driver, the same one Genevieve always hired when she was in town, laughed. That was one thing Genevieve had to acclimate to when she started spending more time in Taipei. The people you hire are way blunter about listening in on your conversations. Genevieve both loved it and tried to keep it from getting to her.

“I could have done without the immigration search on the plane, though.”

“You’re only saying that because you were so sleepy.”

“We left early, Gen.”

“Because I knew it would take a while to clear immigration.” Longer than usual, which Genevieve didn’t like to admit. Technically, Taiwan was closed. The only reason she got in without too much hassle was because she owned enough property and had active business relations. Getting Aya in, who was from yet another country, no less, required a bit more palm greasing. Genevieve called her assistant in Singapore, who called Taiwanese immigration, and by the time Genevieve and Aya were already in the air, word came back that the officials wanted double the usual amount. I don’t begrudge them. It was their butts on the line if their superiors decided to make an example out of someone.

“Thanks to you, though,” Aya continued, going through her travel bag, “I now have yet another stamp collected in my passport.”

“You’ve been a great sport about traveling during these ‘unprecedented times,’” Genevieve said. “The number of tests you’ve taken upon departure and landing…”

“Anything for you, Gen.”

“You’re too much. Really.”

She was grateful to reach Sapphire Tower, her most recent residency in Taiwan. Yet Genevieve refrained from telling Aya all about the neighbors as they entered the lobby with active fountains, a plethora of large plants, and enough tables and chairs filled with masked and cranky residents. One of the concierge girls emerged from behind her desk to welcome Genevieve, who delivered some instructions in Mandarin. Then, she added in English, “Ms. Sugiya will be coming and going from my penthouse as she pleases while I’m here. Make sure she’s taken care of if she asks for help. She speaks fluent English, no Mandarin.”

“I’m working on it,” Aya added in her defense.

Genevieve took her hand. “Let’s go drop these bags off, shall we? I want to have lunch at this deli down the street. Oh, they have some of the best duck liver you’ve ever eaten.”

“I’m excited already.”

Genevieve couldn’t tell if her girlfriend was being sarcastic or not. “If you liked the views everywhere else, this one will blow your mind.”

“Genny, it’s been five minutes in Taipei.” Aya looked over her shoulder as the busiest uncles and nosiest aunties peered over newspapers in their direction. “Everyone already knows we’re dating. One thing at a time.”

“That’s not all we’ll be doing here.” The elevator doors dinged open. “I mean, I’ll be giving you a tour, too. Of downtown Taipei. I’ve already informed my club I’ll be coming in tonight with a guest.”

They were alone during the long elevator ride up to the top floor. “Your club, huh?”

“Of course. Friday is one of the busiest nights of the week for Paradise. I should check in whenever I’m around. One never knows who might be there and need some guidance. That’s what I mean when I say they’re being a weird customer.”

Aya bit her lip. “This is the kinky club, right?”

“You interested?”

“To see how you tick? Absolutely.”

The doors opened. Genevieve stepped out, luring Aya by the hand. “Wait until you see what happens in a place like that. I hope it gives you some ideas.”

“I’ve already got some ideas I haven’t tried on you yet.”

“You perv! I love it.”

Aya grabbed Genevieve into a hug once they were in the hallway and the elevator door closed again. As kisses dominated the space, things got frisky as Genevieve urged her girlfriend’s hands down to private places. Soon, the giggles were louder than the kisses.