Page 79 of Queen of Love

“Love’s not supposed to be easy.”

Did she mean it like that?

“It’s late.” Aya killed the mood by backing away from the counter. “I should get some packing done if we’re leaving tomorrow.”

“I’ll… I’ll inform my pilot.” Genevieve cleared her throat and pulled her phone out of her bag. “He’s been on standby this week.”

That made Aya stop halfway to her bedroom. “Your pilot, huh?”

“Yes. I fly privately around Asia. We’ll be taking my Gulfstream to Taiwan.”

Aya didn’t know a lot about private planes, but she knew the name “Gulfstream.” It was synonymous with Takatani’s description of the “best possible client.”

Although Aya pretended to not be impressed as she went into her bedroom and grabbed a suitcase to pack, deep down she was shaking her head in disbelief. She was falling in love with someone who owned a damned place called Orchid Grove and a Gulfstream.