Page 107 of Queen of Love

Indeed, it had been a week since they last made love, which was only notable in their long-distance relationship because Genevieve had been in Tokyo for longer. Yet I can’t drum up the inspiration. When Genevieve was moody and stressed out, sex was one of the last things on her mind. The fact this latest round of humiliation was because of her sex life did not make matters better. Every time she checked out Aya’s backside and dreamily thought about seducing her into the bedroom, she was reminded of what had happened. Their curiosity for one another’s bodies had led them into this predicament to begin with.

“Maybe later,” Genevieve said. “I’m not really in the mood.”

Aya pulled her hand away. “I see. I understand.”

“That’s not an invitation to get dominant with me,” Genevieve added.

“I didn’t think it was.”

“I’m… sorry.” Genevieve covered her face with both hands. “I’ve been distant lately.”

”As I said, I understand. A lot has happened. If you need some space, let me know.”

Yes, that would be lovely. Yet Genevieve couldn’t bring herself to ask Aya to leave. She was settled in with her work, after all. Later, they would order some dinner and force themselves to watch TV. They were watching a comedy on HBO Max. Like a proper couple with a new nightly routine.

Aya took Genevieve’s hand. “I care about you, Genny.”

Those heartfelt words almost made Genevieve cry. Not because they were what she wanted to hear, but because they made what she experienced even harder to bear.

There would be no running away from this. No matter how much Genevieve wanted to flee.