Page 102 of Queen of Love

“How do you say it in Japanese again?” Genevieve paused for effect. “Omanko. There’s the name of my bar.”

It was Aya’s turn to make a face. “Call it manko. No need for an honorific at the beginning. This is a down and dirty bar you’re building.”

“Manko’s Down and Dirty Bar it is, then.”

Aya took another bite of the fruit. “Mango’s.”


“No, seriously, that’s what you should call your bar.”

A second later, Genevieve got it. “Mango’s!”

“There’s a double-entendre for a lesbian bar if I’ve ever heard one.”

“We could have a signature drink with mango juice in it!”

“The aieki special.”

“Are you listening to me or not?”

Aya finished off the mango with a flourish. “It’s gonna be a homerun. No woman can resist a juicy mango.”

Genevieve jammed her finger into her girlfriend’s chest. “Prove it.”

It didn’t take long.