Page 89 of Queen of Love

Aya knew this was a do-or-die moment. Genevieve was baring such a vulnerable part of herself that to rebuff it would hurt more than refusing to declare love in that liminal moment. This is who she is. This is who she wants me to see. It was foreign enough to Aya her natural inclination was to step back and tell Genevieve to get up for God’s sake. Yet she also knew Genevieve well enough by now to know this was no surprise. It had been coming. At some point, Genevieve wanted more from their love life.

If Aya deflected, or if she suggested they tone it down a bit, it might hurt Genevieve in ways even she couldn’t understand.

But if Aya gave in? If she agreed to take this relationship to the next level? To become the tough but fair Domme of Genevieve’s dreams, even if only behind closed doors?

Aya might not recognize herself anymore. She might not even like it.

To live a life of taking no chances… that’s not who I am.

“You know what I’m thinking would be really naughty?” Aya asked the woman kneeling at her feet. “Breaking one of the biggest rules in this place. Which we can do, because you’re the owner, and I think that’s hot.”

Genevieve rolled back her shoulders. “I’m listening.”

Aya pulled her phone out of her pocket. Genevieve’s eyes widened.

“Let’s start easy.” Aya opened her camera app and pointed it straight down Genevieve’s generous cleavage. She may or may not have ensured that liberated nipple was in the shot. “A picture for every order you follow. If you’re really naughty, I’ll fire up the video.”

“That’s definitely against the rules,” Genevieve said.

Yeah, and I know all about blackmail and extortion now. Surely, Genevieve could understand that. “Take off the other strap of your dress. I want a good shot of everything I can see from here.”

Slowly, Genevieve removed her other sleeve. Her hand remained between her breasts. The flash of Aya’s phone hit her the moment she glanced away.

“We’re going to start with you touching yourself,” Aya said. “How turned on are you right now, Genny? You’re breaking the rules with me.”

She tucked her hair behind her ear. “I don’t think you could handle it, honestly.”

That’s where Genevieve was blissfully wrong.