Page 87 of Queen of Love

This will be interesting.

More people congregated to watch the show. The stage was eventually cleared. As voices spoke over the music and chairs scraped across the hard floor, Genevieve asserted her possession of the loveseat by pulling herself across Aya’s lap. Her shoes fell off her feet and clattered against the floor. “You know,” she whispered, as she propped herself up against the arm of the loveseat, “it’s kosher for us to get friendly back here.”

“I know how these places work.” Academically, anyway. To keep some of her street cred with her worldly girlfriend, Aya better pretend she had been to a sex club before. I’ve read about them in books and seen them in movies. Does that count?

“I’m only saying.” Genevieve tugged on the bust of Aya’s tube top. “It’s fine if you want to save it for later.”


“Oh, you know. It.”

“Sex, Genny?”

“You finally said it.”

“I know. I do enjoy saying your name.”

Such teasing lasted them until the lights dimmed and the crowd politely welcomed the entertainers of the evening. Aya had never heard of them, of course, nor did she understand much of the introduction besides what was offered by the hostess in English. “The lesbian entertainers of Taipei,” she had said, which Aya needed some clarification for. “They’re pretty mysterious even to me,” Genevieve whispered, since the music had died down. “I don’t think they’re in any elite circles. A couple middle-classers who do this for fun outside of their jobs.”

Aya hid her eye rolling. She liked Genevieve, but she could be really out of touch, huh?

The women on stage were not keen to reveal their identities, either. Aside from the face masks, they both wore heavy eye makeup that obscured their faces. The one in charge had long hair like Genevieve’s, and the classic Domme boots to go with her bustier and fishnets. Aya wanted to laugh but refrained. For some reason, she thought a BDSM show in Taiwan’s classiest club would be less… stereotypical.

“What I love about them,” Genevieve whispered, as a woman with short hair and a black slip dress was led to the center of the stage, “is they barely speak to each other. You’d think it was a choreography they came up with together and do all the time because it’s memorized, but no! It’s always different. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them use the ceiling hook.”

Aya was definitely intrigued by the wrists now bound together and connected to a hook hanging from the ceiling. As the woman in the slip dress was felt up – and the audience taunted with erotic shots of what she kept beneath her clothes – the couple immediately fell beneath a spell that came from an otherworldly source.

“They’re so in tune with one another,” Genevieve continued, “I only know the Domme is named Li-hua. I don’t know if she has an English name. Sometimes I’ve heard Amanda, other times Marigold. Really all over the place. That’s what makes them popular, I guess. The mysteriousness.”

Aya was more interested in how this turned her girlfriend on than what was going on with the couple on stage. “Do you think I’m mysterious?”


“Yet you keep getting to know me. That will take away more of the mystery, you know.”

Genevieve sighed against Aya’s chest. “I’m fine with that. What attracts a woman initially isn’t always what keeps her coming around.”

“Familiarity is a powerful thing.”

“These two are very familiar with each other. Look, Li-hua is barely touching her partner, but she’s already trembling in anticipation.”

“I’ll take your word for it. I can’t see that well from here.”

That was a lie. Aya could see enough, like the nipples poking through the submissive’s dress and the intensity behind Li-hua’s dominant eyes. At first, they reminded Aya of Wendy and Lisa, all the way down to their hair and roles. If it were them, though, it would be more obvious, and everyone would be talking about it. Aya doubted a former mega-pop star was doing that kind of show in a place as public as this anyway.

Genevieve was right about how close they were, though. Their wordless communication was the cornerstone of what made the act so great, and even someone not as into BDSM would be remiss to not acknowledge the look of pure worship in the submissive’s big, bright eyes as she was bent forward and paddled on the ass. Her yelps of shocking pleasure were more a nice touch than the kind of thing to make Aya laugh.

Besides, she was busy studying Genevieve’s reactions. What was making her tense up? What lost her interest? Was she hungry to be like the woman with her hands clasped above her head, her long legs spread wide open, and her dress hanging loosely around her hips while she was paddled for five minutes straight? Or would her thirst only be quenched if a pair of stylishly sparkly nipple clamps were attached to her nipples? Through her dress, no less?

Or was Genevieve into the exhibitionism of the spectacle? Li-hua’s partner was put on display, even when her dress stayed on. Every sexual act touching her body, making her moan, and bringing her to climax was for the whole audience to share. It’s working, huh? More than a few couples were feeling each other up and whispering naughty things into each other’s ears. The Nagaos were already gone. Probably in one of those private rooms Genevieve had talked about on the way over from her penthouse. They barely lasted five minutes into the show!

No matter how Aya looked at it, though, she was looking at her potential future. Right there in Li-hua’s confident stance as she slapped her hand between her partner’s legs and urged her to come by using only one finger.

Genevieve tensed up the most at that. Fashion tape, my ass. Her breasts were about to fall out of her dress, and Aya had a feeling her girlfriend didn’t care who saw. Including the ex, who was still manning the bar in the back of the room. How awkward is it to see your rich ex-girlfriend, who is now your boss, watching this with the new woman?

Nyla claimed to not be jealous in her postcard. To be fair, it looked like she had moved on with someone new, but…

Moments like these reminded Aya she really didn’t come from a world like this. Genevieve may have been infatuated with her for now, but what if Aya couldn’t deliver this kinky experience for a woman who had been there and back over the years?