Page 91 of Pure Love

Her heart melted with his meaningful words. “Okay.”


* * *

Piper went home to get her dress and pack an overnight bag.

Calista came in and sat on her window seat. “You look happy.”

She was elated. Piper got a tote from the closet. “We’re working on it.” She left her dress in the boutique bag across her bed and scooped a hopeful amount of lingerie into the tote.

Calista nodded. “Good.” Calista had her legs crossed, and she bounced her foot. “I want to borrow some money.” Her face squinched. “Not borrow. Have. For an investment.”

Calista worked periodically at Dad’s garage, so she usually had more money than Piper. Piper couldn’t even think of when she’d last asked for money. Piper pulled up her bank account app. “Awfully vague of you. Are we getting a hot tub?”

“No.” Calista hesitated. “I do want a hot tub. But that’s not it.”

“You taking a Norwegian class?”

“Dad pays for tuition. That’s not it.” A thoughtful expression came over her face. Calista reached for her laptop and started typing.

Piper kicked her foot. “You’re getting off topic.”

“I want you to invest in my invention,” Calista said, staring at her computer while delivering the worst sales pitch ever.

“Okay, how much do you want?”

“How much do you have?”

Dang. Piper had enough to move out next month. Her fingers lifted from the banking app and then tapped back down in the amount box. She’d made enough money in two months to move out. She could easily work another two months. It would be fun to see the whole ice hockey season out, especially as Mikah’s girlfriend.

But being with him would be so much easier if she had her own place. Her chest tightened. She bit her lip and looked up at Calista.

Calista stared up at her with eager green eyes.

Piper couldn’t say no. She tapped the total into the box and transferred the funds to her sister.

* * *

Mikah had other things to do, but instead, he kicked back in his club chair and watched Piper get dressed. She had walked from the adjoining bathroom, makeup on, hair pinned up, wearing absolutely nothing. Naughty dark red lingerie went on under a dress she called “cranberry.” The combo would give him something extra to think about when listening to the team speeches.

Piper stepped into spiky heels and backed up to him while putting in her earrings. “Zipper, please.”

Mikah pulled her onto his lap. She squealed as she fell against him. He nuzzled her exposed skin. Lemons. Creamy skin. The possibility of sex. He liked all the things about this moment. He slid his hand up her thigh and under her skirt. He stroked the smooth, silky fabric blocking his access to her. Feminine dampness met his touch. Her breasts rose and fell, begging to be caressed, licked, sucked on.

Piper bit her bottom lip and leaned toward him. “Mikah.”

The gong of his doorbell echoed from the hall, interrupting their intimate moment.

Damn, his family had arrived. Right on time to go with them to the team Thanksgiving celebration. Mikah shifted and tried to make his hand drop away from the seam of Piper’s panties. He couldn’t. He wanted to be right here alone with her, all night.

The gong tones reverberated again.

He stood, lifting them both to their feet, and fastened her zipper. Shame that his family had the worst timing. He gave her a quick kiss.

The next fifteen minutes were hugs, greetings, and the transfer of bags as everyone took to their usual guestrooms and changed. Then they were headed for the door.

“So nice of you to come over early and greet us,” Francesca said to Piper.