Page 88 of Pure Love

Oh. Shit.

A group of sorority girls at the table nearest the stage took their empty shot glasses and pelted Kiernan. The first glass hit his torso, spewed its dregs onto his white dress shirt, and fell to the stage. He dodged the next several glasses with a duck and weave motion. Some shots went wide, not going near him at all. No one had hired these women for their million-dollar arms.

They’d hired Mikah for his though. He had wonderful arms.

A romantic tune came on, spinning everyone’s attention from the speaker. Mikah tugged her into his embrace and led her into a waltz, dancing at the perfect pace, holding her just right. His grip was firm but not tight. His body was hard but only touched hers teasingly in passing, making her want more of him. His lips. Would a kiss be too much? That was part of dancing, right? Like a celebratory, yay for the couple engagement kiss, that was a thing.

Around them, voices grew louder. A few guys tried to help Kiernan off the stage, but the assist wasn’t well received by the angry girls, who found more shots to throw. Most of those rounds were full.

Piper and Mikah, smiling at the drama, moved with the music. The sensations flushing her body due to his nearness were even more intoxicating than the shots she’d taken. Her nipples tightened within the lacy constraints of her bra. She’d love his palms on her nipples. His hands would be so soothing and stirring. Her blood flowed through her body, waking every cell to a shining eagerness driving her toward him. Did he feel the same? Or would he turn away?

“Are you going to help your buddy?” Piper dropped her head to Mikah’s shoulder and stopped watching the mess. They slowed to a sway. His arms tightened; she shifted closer.

“Nah.” Mikah slid his hand down lower on her waist. His fingertips lay on the top of her bum. “He likes women really curvy. He thought he was sending out a compliment.”

Ugh. She should have prepped the players on the basics. “He wasn’t.”

“I know, I have a sister, and Mom was a model.”

Warren tapped on Mikah’s shoulder. “I’d like to cut in.”

Piper hadn’t even noticed him approaching or known he was here. She stiffened, her enthralled feelings threatening to drift away, and clung tightly to Mikah.

“That’s not happening.” Mikah spun her in the opposite direction.

Oh, manly, presumptuous, not for him to decide. But she had made her opinion of Warren clear to him, so she couldn’t argue. Anything that let her not deal with her oddly attentive ex was a-okay with her. Hmm, any weak tendrils of grievance she had with Warren disappeared the more time she’d spent with Mikah, nice. Mikah had been good for that. And kissing. She sighed. So good at kissing.

Kiernan, dripping in colored alcohol that gave his shirt a tie-dyed pattern, put his mouth right on the microphone, making a reverberating sound pierce the speakers. “I would like to end by taking my purity pledge.”

Mikah laughed.

Piper snickered. “As if he’d get laid after his speech makes the social media rounds.” Laughing with Mikah enhanced the molten longing. Such an intriguing combination. Dang, she had it bad, and she wasn’t even sorry. She wanted to tip her head back and thank him. Everyone should get to experience this trifecta of life: laughter, sex, love.

Rookie grabbed the microphone from Kiernan. “I’m in on the group gift but haven’t signed the card. Can someone rotate it my way?”

Piper arched her eyebrows and nodded toward the stage. “Kiernan likes curvy women. What do you like?”

“You’re exactly my kind of beautiful.”


Oh no. Defenses shattered. Piper didn’t need a relationship label; she needed him. Mikah had shown her what she wanted in a real match: honesty, chemistry, and all the feels. She looked up into his desire-filled cobalt eyes. “I want to go home with you, even if it’s only for the weekend.”

Mikah stiffened and shuddered against her. He cupped the back of her head and kissed her.

His lips were warm, and their mouths parted. He tasted of fruit-flavored vodka and everything she wanted in a man. He pulled her tightly against his hard body, and the glimmering sparks under her skin lit up like the glow lights in the party room.

Mikah pulled back and met her gaze, his eyes passion-filled and intent. “Yes, my place, I want you in my bed.”

The sexiness of his words sent arousal shimmering through her. Piper touched his lips and nodded. He kissed her fingertips. Yes, she was taking the fling, but the added intimacy of going to his home was what she needed to make being with him feel exactly right.

Mikah led her from the dance floor. Piper grabbed her bag and shot a quick text to Calista to make her excuses for the fact that she wouldn’t be home tonight. They went outside. Mikah waved down one of the hired cars and gave the driver his address. They snuggled together in the back on the quick trip to his place, a modern skyrise overlooking the Colorado River. Once there, Mikah used a keycard to get them through the owner’s entrance and into his private elevator.

Charming symmetry from when she’d first met him. This was so perfect. “I should have worn my puck costume.”

“Hell yeah.” His enthusiasm matched hers.

Fun. Piper turned around and palmed the wall, looking at him from over her shoulder. In her sexiest voice, she said, “Unzip me, but don’t let the elevator shaft eat my dress.”