Page 76 of Pure Love

How the dude got to this age without developing critical thinking skills was beyond him. Rookie used up all his ability to think five moves ahead on the ice, and that left him with none for the other parts of his life.

Mikah rubbed his temple. Mentor or not, this time he’d let one of the others clue Rookie in.

“Owner’s fiancée set up the purity program. Why do you think that is?” Captain held up his palms. “The answer is control. While we can’t be upfront about our intentions, as is our usual preference, we can resist.”

Liam blew out a breath. “If I can’t use the app…”

Captain gave him the hard stare. “You were there, right? When the app sent out spite data at the model party, dick pics, bank balances. I heard about it. I shouldn’t have to tell you this.”

“Maybe I don’t need the app. I’m calling Piper, she said she had other date ideas for me.” Liam started dialing.

Whoever Liam ended up with had better like chatting on the phone and homecooked Canadian dinners. And look at him go, bothering Piper with his sad Canadian tales. She wouldn’t fall for that, would she? Take in the broken and wounded? Nah, she liked guys who had their shit together. Like him.

“Fine,” Captain said. “But if the front office sets up any more of their purity events, even those disguised as something fun, we decline.”

* * *

“Try reverse catfishing.” Piper had her phone to her ear, speaking with Liam, as she was walking toward the hockey stadium. “Online, make yourself look less than you are so a girl can get to know you for you. Limit the lying though, that can backfire. Say something like you work here in the area of fitness.”

“And if she pushes?” Liam sounded doubtful.

“Say you’re proud of your job but want to get to know her. To not have this be all about work or your access to famous ice hockey players.” She caught up to Dahlia on the sidewalk. “Got to go.” She disconnected.

Dahlia got the door for her. “Things are not falling into place exactly as I’d envisioned.”

No shit. Piper felt exactly the same, not that she’d ever envisioned herself with a pro sports guy, but she’d really thought Mikah would call after the Renaissance Festival. They’d had an amazing sparkling day.

Forget him. She needed to date a guy in her class. They could have long Tudor talks. These were her choices? She was definitely missing a step on the planning ladder. She needed a life coach.

“I want more of a big, happy organization. Where we’re all thrilled to barbecue together just because.” Dahlia sounded wistful.

They reached the elevator that always made Piper think of meeting Mikah. “Sounds fun.”

Dahlia mushed her lips together. “Right?” Dahlia stood in front of the keypad but did not hit the call button. “The captain’s birthday is coming up Saturday. It can be our excuse for a get-together. Not exactly a surprise party. But a hey, surprise, we’re throwing you a party Saturday.”

“Calista would love that.” And Mikah would be there. Piper’s heart pitter-pattered. Dang, she needed a stronger backbone.

Dahlia smiled purposefully enough to show she’d already thought of Calista. “Will you help with the planning?”

“Of course.” Cha-ching. That thought brought a different kind of pleasure. The ease of knowing her account was filling. Moving out was happening, her next relationship would not be hampered by budgeting for local hotel rooms.

Dahlia pointed in the direction of the ice rink. “Do you mind taking care of the announcement?”

Nervous energy jolted her random thoughts. Piper stilled, not wanting to be front and center with all those eyes on her. Not today, when she was feeling a little raw about no call from Mikah. “I’ll send a clever email.” What rhymed with birthday and purity?

Dahlia wore her evasive expression. “It has to be in person, I want to hide in the stands, and read the room.”

Dahlia didn’t need to hide. She was marrying the team owner and working a legit job as a project manager. She had every right to be in the stands during practice. Who was causing her these doubts? “Why don’t you make the announcement? I don’t mind, and you have my account so generously stuffed, I can afford to miss the payday.”

Dahlia shrugged. “Dodo has a fit if I seem to favor one player over another. He can be jealous. If he knew I was planning a party just for Ronan, he wouldn’t like it. I guess I’d feel the same. If he planned a party for a woman here. All in all, the idea plays better if you present the kickoff and explain the group celebratory nature of the event. It’s actually for all November birthdays. This month, though, there only happens to be one–Ronan’s.”

“You could explain to Dodo about Calista’s…er…what should we call it...?”

“Crush?” Dahlia suggested.

At the same time, Piper said, “Obsession?”

They giggled.