Page 67 of Pure Love

His laugh died, and his look grew more intent. He unclipped the back of her bra and drew the lace from her body.

Air floated over her, but his promised warmth was only inches away. She craved him.

Mikah made another noise of appreciation. She really liked the sound and looked forward to hearing it all night long. The rich deep tone curled inside her, encouraging the sparkling sensations to dance to his cues. She placed her arms around his neck for balance and connection. “This was fun and sexy.”

“You’re so beautiful.” Mikah cupped her breasts, going in with both hands, flattening his palms against her.

The flickers rushed from her breasts lower. She shifted and kneaded his shoulders, wanting to writhe against him, but also needing to know what he could do with his hands in that position.

Mikah rubbed, cupped, and then used his thumbs to toy with each of her nipples. “Damn. Silky.” Mikah kissed her lips, her jaw, and pressed teasing kisses down to her breasts. He pressed his tongue to her nipple, tasting her.

“Gah.” Stars flashed behind her eyes. Vibrations fluttered at her core. The sensations he created were beyond this universe.

Mikah sucked on one breast and gently pinched the other, keeping the anticipation building.

Piper bit down on her lower lip, relishing the sting, and dropped her head back. Jeez, his big hands covered a lot of territory and spread all the feels. More, more, more. Closer. She was electricity in his arms. No thought of games, or delays. She squeezed his biceps, caressing everywhere she could reach. “Hard. So impressive.”

He flexed for her, like she needed to be more blown over.

“Bed,” Piper murmured, meeting his needy gaze with her own. “I want to touch more of you. That okay?”

Mikah lifted her in response and carried her to the king-sized bed and the crisp sheets. She reclined, and he slowly tugged her dress down the rest of her body and off, leaving her only in her panties. He eyed every inch of her with an intent expression.

Piper spread her arms in welcome.

Mikah dropped his clothes, all of them, giving her the best view she’d ever experienced. He crawled over her and lowered his body to hers with athletically controlled slowness that left her wanting more, a moved she wanted to replay over and over again. He was hard everywhere and fit against her perfectly.

Piper hooked her legs around him. He nudged his hard length against her center, sliding himself against her with only her panties separating them. She closed her eyes and dug her head into the softness of the pillow. He felt good, incredible, all she wanted, right size, right everything. They matched and lined up in a manner that was surreal in its soul-shifting perfection. Piper opened her gaze and met his. Did he feel this connection? The drive, the chemistry – those she was sure he felt. The flush on his cheeks and the glitter in his cobalt eyes showed her that, but this bond. Could he feel it too?

“This feels amazing.” Piper had to push out the words to try and understand if he was experiencing the same universe-shifting that she was.

“Agreed.” His voice was husky.

What was he feeling? Thinking? She loved this. “Glad we’re together.” Ugh, those words were so mild compared to the thrall falling over her. Guess she was still vulnerable and needed the reassurance.

“This will be a great weekend,” Mikah murmured, his gaze now occupied with her chest, staring in appreciative flattering fixation. “You’re beautiful, Piper.”

She curved one leg over his and arched, rubbing against him where she needed the friction. They were having this discussion out of order, but that was okay. Lots of relationships started like this. Heavy on the chemistry, cocooned within genuine liking. The romantic commitment words, the words, would come later, but she’d had a rough year in the romance department. Now, she needed more from him, just a bit more, a touch more emotion to make this volcanic level of physical need erupt.

Mikah kissed his way down her neck. Tingles threatened to shatter her reason.

Don’t push him. Nudge him, and not where she was hot and wet. Piper licked her lips and rubbed his shoulders, resisting the urge to arch her back. “This is the way to start us. No antlered rabbits, just you and me and a big bed.”

Mikah raised his head. “I’m glad you decided casual was okay.” His words came out in a cautious, calculated manner.


No, stop talking. Mikah wasn’t saying what she wanted to hear, his words shoved against Piper’s fuzzy romantic need and cooled her melting bits. Contrarily, she wanted to go back in time five minutes. She needed her panties removed and their bodies entwined.

Carrying on would require a stadium-sized dose of denial.

Why wasn’t she able to fool herself into thinking that Mikah’s touch would be good enough? Gah. She knew herself better. She needed the emotional component to mesh with the physical. She wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice. Gah. What good would that get her? She’d have believed Warren’s lie—It’s not what it looks like. Not the memory she wanted to flash into her brain while in bed with Mikah, but her subconscious was telling her something. Deluding herself wasn’t her talent. She didn’t want to be attending Mikah’s nuptials with some other girl this time next year.

They both lay still. Their bodies were tied apart in anticipation of the next words that would fall from her lips.

Mikah didn’t feel the same way for her as she felt for him.

That hurt. Heart sore. And she was so tempted to pretend she didn’t understand Mikah’s meaning, or to delay comprehension, and give into her body’s insistence that she was about to feel exceptionally good and have a physical experience she would remember and dream about in the future. Had she misunderstood him? She must have, she was simply being oversensitive. Piper cupped his face, forcing his gaze up. “You want to be my boyfriend? Or go in that direction.”