Page 31 of Pure Love

True. Piper giggled. How to say, Let’s take this somewhere more private? Her place was out because she didn’t have a place. That was enough to bring more coherence back to her ardor-addled brain. Dang, she needed to move out. Regardless, he should be the one asking, not her.

Mikah kissed her collarbone.

Piper eased her hands from his hair and smoothed the strands. “We’re too public, and I’m getting shimmer powder all over you.”

“Good.” Mikah pushed up against her.

Lust pulsed through her, and her eyes rolled back in her head like the zombie mannequin by the entryway. “Yes.”

“Privacy works for me.” Mikah let her legs fall, gave her a quick kiss, and took her hand, leading her from their alcove back to the main party area.


Music boomed through the speakers. They weaved through the tables toward the exit. They neared Liam and Bianca.

Bianca rose, looking at Liam. “Fine.”

Mikah slowed and drew Piper up beside him. He dropped his arm over her shoulders, hugging her close. “We’re taking off, bro.”

Before Liam could answer, Bianca threw her arms in the air. “No one believes us.” She stormed away.

Liam pressed his hand to his forehead. “We broke up last month. I thought she wanted to try again. I’d get her back and no one needed to know she’d left me.”

Mikah’s face tightened. He was silent, then he squeezed Piper’s shoulders, and dropped into a chair. “Yeah?” He reached up and took Piper’s hand, anchoring her to his side.

Piper draped her arms around Mikah’s neck and leaned against the back of his chair. Be a supportive friend. She looked at Liam. “You could have told us.” She kept her words soft.

“I thought I could fix it.” Liam shrugged. “Plus, I’m not really ready for the whole bunny hop or dating app.”

Yeah. Because that’s what she would have suggested to get him over his heartache, a puck bunny. He needed a woman as a friend to guide him.

In her periphery, Dodo rounded the corner to go outside, Willow on his heels.

Creepy suspicion punched through her. Piper patted Mikah’s chest. “Excuse me a sec.” She went after Dodo and Willow.

The pair stood where she’d been a minute ago speaking in low voices. They didn’t seem particularly intimate, despite the secluded nook.

Piper went straight up to them, close enough to smell Willow’s one-note strawberry body spray. “What’s up?” She used a no-nonsense parental voice, that would enforce good behavior.

They stared at her like, why are you here?

Oh, she was not the one in the wrong. She’d have Dahlia’s back even if it made her look like a busybody. “Happy Halloween, where’s Dahlia?”

Dahlia rounded the corner as if she’d heard her question, or she’d been following the duo also. “Hey.”

It was Dahlia’s place to question Dodo, not Piper’s, but if she took the bullet, Dahlia wouldn’t have to. “I want to know why Willow’s speaking so much to your fiancé.”

Dodo frowned. “Why are you so suspicious? Why are my moves your business?”

Oh no, cheats went on the offensive, and look at Dodo grabbing a stick and lining up a swing at her.

Mikah and Liam joined them, shrinking the narrow space.

Piper put her hands on her hips and didn’t answer.

Mikah’s gaze went to her face, but she couldn’t read his expression. Liam’s complexion was green. “I need to give Liam a lift home,” Mikah said. “Piper?” He was just saying her name, but she wasn’t sure if he was asking for permission to leave her here or if he wanted her to accompany him, and she wasn’t going to ask.

Piper nodded. “Take care of your friend.” That was what good guys did. “I’m going to hang with Dahlia.”