Page 28 of Pure Love

Ping. The elevator doors opened. She and Willow exited onto a carpeted foyer that led to the private boxes. The hushed atmosphere up here was very different from the rink level. Piper still preferred the public seats.

The guard outside checked that her name was on the list and let them in. No problem, fine.

Inside, the room held a buffet area in the back, circulating waiters, and plush auditorium seating. The guests wore mostly business suits like Dahlia.

Dahlia came straight over and hooked her arm with Piper’s. “You made it.” She smiled in a kind way to Willow. “Just in time. Mrs. Bitner was just saying we need a party, to fuel the team’s momentum. You two can help me plan.”

“Last thing I need is another big event.” Willow wore a poor-me expression. “Your concern is so dear, but party planning is so wearying. You know, reminds me of the wedding.” She whispered the last word but at a normal volume.

Yeah, they knew about the wedding. They’d been there.

Willow made their sorority symbol with her hand. “But I guess I could, for you.”

Dahlia took a fresh pineapple punch from the waiter. “It’ll be a terrific celebration for the guys.”

Willow leaned close to the server. “Be a dear and bring me a strawberry mojito.”

The waiter nodded.

“A Halloween party,” Dahlia said. “We’ll invite some of our sorority sisters, of course.”

Piper took a cup of punch. “Thanks.” The sweet fruit punch was tangy and fizzy. Through the viewing window, the scoreboard showed they were up by one, fast start. That good news perked up her mood.

Willow pumped her fists forward and back in front of her chest in a dance move, and then lifted her palms to the heavens. She completed the full rotation three times, drawing attention their way. “Fall alumni social. I def can pull out a killer costume. And I was just telling Piper, I want to change up the gift bags.”

Piper wrinkled her nose. “To porn and liquor?” She kept her voice dry.

The words came out just as Dodo joined their group.

Willow gasped faking shock.

“Well, that’s one way to kick off a party.” Dodo greeted them all with a bluff voice which made him sound older than his thirty-two years and adjusted his tie. “Ladies.”

Piper shut up. She hated when she got bitchy, which was why she didn’t put herself in situations such as socializing with cheaters. She shouldn’t have come up here. How soon before she could bow out gracefully?

Willow centered herself so she was facing Dodo and tilted her head to her shoulder and giggled. “I want to liven up the guys’ welcome baskets.”

“Sure,” Dodo said. “Sounds good.”

Dahlia shook her head. “Piper thought the treat idea up. Custom surprises.”

Dodo made playful fists and jiggled them in front of his face like a boxer. “Now it can be Willow’s turn. Sounds like she has some wild ideas. I like to keep my players happy.”

Dahlia narrowed her eyes, but she didn’t comment on his dismissing her or his rather gross enthusiasm.

How long had Dodo been listening? Not her problem. Piper kept her face motionless.

Willow gave Dodo a shy look. “I hope it’s okay that we’re here. Piper said, of course it was, but I want to make sure it’s all right with you?”

Dodo nodded. “Sure. Sure. In fact, one of the barbacks didn’t show if you two want to make this a working night.”

Dahlia shook her head sharply.

Willow rose to her toes. “I do.” She sank back down and bit her lip. “But I told Piper I would carry her gift bags out for her.”

Dodo waved his hand. “Piper can handle that. The servers are really in the weeds, you’d be a dear to help out here.”

Not wanting to make waves, but also feeling pissed, Piper avoided their eyes, and headed to the exit with a thumbs-up.